Do the heads of YOUR countries similarly DESPISE science? What have they done to gut it weaken it eliminate it? Up a creek without any paddles. That's we the people thanks to dumb ... moreDo the heads of YOUR countries similarly DESPISE science? What have they done to gut it weaken it eliminate it? Up a creek without any paddles. That's we the people thanks to dumb don. Are you up a creek without paddles too? Do you have a dumb don destroying your country too?
No one can hold a candle to the CRUELTY tour director the inimitable irreplaceable dumb don! Hacking and slaying and gutting and cutting everything he can get his hands on that str... moreNo one can hold a candle to the CRUELTY tour director the inimitable irreplaceable dumb don! Hacking and slaying and gutting and cutting everything he can get his hands on that strengthened us. The better to service his puppetmaster I guess. Why else?
Every GUTTING weakens this country and makes it MORE VULERABLE. More to come but hasn't he done a HE** OF A JOB SO FAR? Where would you like him to strike next on his CRUELTY tour?
In dumb don land, a russian territory, nothing is as it "should be". I'm not sure EVERYTHING WAS ALWAYS AS IT SHOULD BE but I do know what is today and what was yesterday are not t... moreIn dumb don land, a russian territory, nothing is as it "should be". I'm not sure EVERYTHING WAS ALWAYS AS IT SHOULD BE but I do know what is today and what was yesterday are not the same.The decline of America began January 2017 and it continues its decline daily.
Abolish every agency set up to give assistance in emergencies. Or GUT it.Use that money to give tax cuts to the obscenely wealthy or to build an ego wall.PRIOTIZE! The dumb of don ... moreAbolish every agency set up to give assistance in emergencies. Or GUT it.Use that money to give tax cuts to the obscenely wealthy or to build an ego wall.PRIOTIZE! The dumb of don can't do everything so he prioritizes the most important things.Travel expense when he goes off to diddle around at his golf resorts WITH AN ENTOURAGE. TOP PRIORITY!Cut food stamps and other assistance programs to pay for it.DUH. NO BRAINER. He is just doing the job his adoring worshippers elected him to do. PROMOTE CRUELTY 24/7. Live it and breath it and eat. Landslide re-election as CRUELTY is now in style and poplar poppalar popular. What else can he cut gut today? less
Someone SHOUTS. Just cut off the mike. Someone interrupts. Just CUT OFF THE MIKE. Someone keeps talking and talking and talking. JustCUT OFF THE MIKE. Letting the hissyfit tantrum ... moreSomeone SHOUTS. Just cut off the mike. Someone interrupts. Just CUT OFF THE MIKE. Someone keeps talking and talking and talking. JustCUT OFF THE MIKE. Letting the hissyfit tantrum babies take charge is ridiculous. Why can't they find moderators with common sense? They hold the power. Why don't they use it?
MERS and SARS. Coronaviruses were first detected in the mid 1960's. It originates among animals and sometimes transfers over to humans where it then gets spread worldwide.