So you want they should abrogate their rights to speak up and support someone just because they are famous? They stifle it shut up stay mute silent. TO PLEASE WHO? YOU?HOW DO... moreSo you want they should abrogate their rights to speak up and support someone just because they are famous? They stifle it shut up stay mute silent. TO PLEASE WHO? YOU?HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL?Why should ANYONE give the up the right to say what he/she thinks?
What does one thing have to do with another?Some celebrities STAY MUM because they don't want to alientate tick off anger enrage people. So they stifle it like robots aumatons Zomb... moreWhat does one thing have to do with another?Some celebrities STAY MUM because they don't want to alientate tick off anger enrage people. So they stifle it like robots aumatons Zombies. Some feel as citizens they have the right to support whomever they want OUT LOUD like every other citizen does. I'm with them. Where are you and why?
OF COURSE no contributions spent could be tax deducted. It isn't out of the pocket of the candidate.But Bloomberg is spending his own money job searching to be president. Why isn't... moreOF COURSE no contributions spent could be tax deducted. It isn't out of the pocket of the candidate.But Bloomberg is spending his own money job searching to be president. Why isn't that deductible?You think I'm joking? I'm not. Fair is fair and that isn't fair.
When asked how he planned to pay for "Medicare for All" Bernie Sanders replied it would come from"A modest tax on wall street speculation will pay for Medicare for All".So what is ... moreWhen asked how he planned to pay for "Medicare for All" Bernie Sanders replied it would come from"A modest tax on wall street speculation will pay for Medicare for All".So what is the dollar value OR percentage of MODEST? Will it affect every speculator equally with the same FLAT TAX or will it be laddered?Can you glean from what Bernie sez any specific NUMBER of dollars it will take to provide what Bernie says he wants?It seems very fuzzy and hazy and misty and mercury. It glistens but try to grab it and well it won't end well. less
Or did he look like a bully pouring salt on a wound then twisting the knife for awhile? Smart guy smart point or showing big dumb for overdoing it overplaying it overtalking about ... moreOr did he look like a bully pouring salt on a wound then twisting the knife for awhile? Smart guy smart point or showing big dumb for overdoing it overplaying it overtalking about it? I dunno. You?
Octrober 1, 2017 a gun-based MASSACRE occurred in that city at an outside concert.59 died869 were injuredBut the candidates were too busy to mention it or gun control. They were ot... moreOctrober 1, 2017 a gun-based MASSACRE occurred in that city at an outside concert.59 died869 were injuredBut the candidates were too busy to mention it or gun control. They were otherwise occupied acctacking one another for whatever. Embarrassing and humiliating they should all be. So much for excellence intelligence caring. IT WAS BLATANTLY MIA on that stage.So keep supporting these robotic automatons all you want. They are more concerned with crippling one another than they are with anything else including help you. When people show you whom they are BELIEVE THEM. less
Once upon a time he honeymooned in Russia and was ecstatic about the beauty of the subways. What? Once upon a time Bernie was another person entirely. Change is possible of course.... moreOnce upon a time he honeymooned in Russia and was ecstatic about the beauty of the subways. What? Once upon a time Bernie was another person entirely. Change is possible of course. But he is now under a micrscope unlike before. He is not going to dissected and examined and investigated up the kazoo. Folks may find things out about him that they won't like. We'll see what happens. Everybody says so. That I can tell you.Do people change from within or do they "change" to accommodate to their audience? Both or neither? less