HOW they will perform. They all make SINCERE BIG PROMISES GALORE. But what counts is WHAT THEY DO and there is no way to know that now.It's all a CRAPSHOOT. Will we "get lucky" and... moreHOW they will perform. They all make SINCERE BIG PROMISES GALORE. But what counts is WHAT THEY DO and there is no way to know that now.It's all a CRAPSHOOT. Will we "get lucky" and choose someone whose words reflect what he/she can and will do or just more empty promises to be taken off like a coat once elected? We've been there all too often. We've been there EVERY TIME. What makes any of you think this time will be different?
CULT2. An instance of great veneration o a person, ideal or thing especially as manifested by a body of admirers.The head's adoring worshippers feel that about himDon't Berni... moreCULT2. An instance of great veneration o a person, ideal or thing especially as manifested by a body of admirers.The head's adoring worshippers feel that about himDon't Bernie's peeps feel the same him? Just a question that occurs to one.What other person is there whose "body of admirers" are so intense so vocal or certain of the superiority of the person they venerate?Are Biden supporters are cult? Where are they hiding? What about Bloombergs? Does he have many of them? Or Elizabeth Warren? Is her group a cult? Amy K's peeps? Do they VENERATE her? How about Mayor Pete?What causes someone to not only be liked admired respected but also to be WORSHIPPED? less
As of 2/21/2020The A TEAM turnover rate is 82%.What is the A team? I have no idea.The head is definitely a lousy people chooser. His "company" is run lousy. Lousy was the goal from... moreAs of 2/21/2020The A TEAM turnover rate is 82%.What is the A team? I have no idea.The head is definitely a lousy people chooser. His "company" is run lousy. Lousy was the goal from day one and lousy has been done consistently. Reaching a goal is a great good isn't it?
If he had would his adoring peeps castigate him vilify him abandon him?The head is all about CRUELTY. His peeps are all about supporting what he is all about 24/7. An altruistic ac... moreIf he had would his adoring peeps castigate him vilify him abandon him?The head is all about CRUELTY. His peeps are all about supporting what he is all about 24/7. An altruistic act would be anti cruelty and well that would be intolerable and an abomination. ALTRUISIMThe principle or practice of UNSELFISH concern for or devotion to the welfare of others(opposed to egoism)Behavior by an animal that may be to its disadvantage but that benefits others of its kindUNSELFISH CONCERN FOR OR DEVOTED TO THE WELFARE OF OTHERSRiddikkalus! Ayn Rand rolls over in her grave! GREED IS GOOD Gordon Gekko goes berserk!Self comes first last and always.What is that antiquated perversion called altruism supposed to show? That homo saps have concern for others BEFORE themselves?Are you kidding me? WHAT A CROCK. less
Locking up children of "the other" in kennels and cages like dogs? Forcing them to live in TENT CITIES in the Texas desert? There are so many from which to choose I know it's very ... moreLocking up children of "the other" in kennels and cages like dogs? Forcing them to live in TENT CITIES in the Texas desert? There are so many from which to choose I know it's very hard for youse. Think upon it for awhile. There is no rush. Time is not of the essence.
Can you be easily sweettalked? Are you a SURE THING? Easy to convince manipulate proselytize? Or are you a tought old bird from the SHOW ME state? Pols target sure things.
Every group believes its needs are most important. No one is going to ADVOCATE anything for "the other". Only for the group it represents. This is the way of the world. This is the... moreEvery group believes its needs are most important. No one is going to ADVOCATE anything for "the other". Only for the group it represents. This is the way of the world. This is the way it works. Each group thinks it is more noble most deserving most maligned most badly treated.
The don sez no they didn't.Now Puitin was asked directly when if he wanted don to win and he said "YES I DID".Now the don floats the idea that russia really wants Bernie to win bec... moreThe don sez no they didn't.Now Puitin was asked directly when if he wanted don to win and he said "YES I DID".Now the don floats the idea that russia really wants Bernie to win because he and his wife honeymooned in russia?Poor Bernie. Poor Americans who can't seem to quit it.FACT RUSSIA MEDDLED in the 2016 elect on behalf of donFACT Don will deny it to his dyingFACT Don's peeps will deny to THEIR dying dayFACT Russia continues to meddle preparing for the 2020 election on behalf of donFACT Truthtellers keep trying to convince the don peeps of the truthFACT Don's peeps have never been interested in the truth and never will beFACT What else can we talk about besides the meddling? Is that all there is? less
Allegedly Russia is helping Bernie to win and he disavowed them and disavowed it but will that stop it?Then the don CONGRATULATED Bernie for his win and is clearly a fan.Bernie is ... moreAllegedly Russia is helping Bernie to win and he disavowed them and disavowed it but will that stop it?Then the don CONGRATULATED Bernie for his win and is clearly a fan.Bernie is noticeably ticked. I don't blame him. When will the "help" from russia and the gloves comes off of don?
Small and weak about climate change and how to face it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT ITSmall and weak about legislation protections we used to have the head has destroyedSmall and weak wi... moreSmall and weak about climate change and how to face it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT ITSmall and weak about legislation protections we used to have the head has destroyedSmall and weak with regard to maintaining alliances keeping our word backing our alliesSmall and weak about supporting our INTELLIGENCE agencies, following the Constitution, honoring the rule of lawSmall and weak about honesty patriotism courage kindness caringThe runt who will never catch up. SIGH. Small and weak and getting smaller and weaker. Look fast before the runt disappears entirely. less
They all SHAMELESSLY TARGET groups whose votes they need and go after them SHAMELESSLY and sweet talk them and make them feel IMPORTANT.No difference. Not one iota. Not one scintil... moreThey all SHAMELESSLY TARGET groups whose votes they need and go after them SHAMELESSLY and sweet talk them and make them feel IMPORTANT.No difference. Not one iota. Not one scintilla. There are no good guys with respect to shameless targeting shameless promising shameless seducing. Sheesh. Don't kid yourselves folks. You aren't are you?