Well the senile dumb of don HIT THE ROOF and railed at Jeff Sessions repeatedly for recusing himself from a case involving him.The dumbsh** is so dumb he thinks we don't remember t... moreWell the senile dumb of don HIT THE ROOF and railed at Jeff Sessions repeatedly for recusing himself from a case involving him.The dumbsh** is so dumb he thinks we don't remember the massive insults attacks and tantrum hissyfits he kept repeating over and over and over about if he knew Sessions was going to recuse himself he never would have appointed him to be Attorney General.See how stupid dumb dumb don is and how insulting it is that he believes we too are as stupid dumb?He whined and bellyched and moaned and groaned and kvetched and girlymanned every day all day about it and wondered where his roy cohn was? He's got his roycohn but now he is gunning for SCOTUS.I know y'all absolutely support him in this...his push pull mentality. Whatever he wants he gets. I get it. less
Will the use the same MO but double down because the last debate worked so well for each of them?I dunno. Whatcha think? Will they stink and sink again?
And then confessed to them a great truth! He never believed there was.Would any of them abandon him even though they INSIST it was GOD who sent dumb don to save them?It would be qu... moreAnd then confessed to them a great truth! He never believed there was.Would any of them abandon him even though they INSIST it was GOD who sent dumb don to save them?It would be quite weridly bizarre peculiar queer and odd to hold both thoughts rigidly.That dumb don said there is no GOD and that the base insists it was GOD who sent dumb don to them for their salvation.On the other hand why do those two things have to be reconciled? People hold opposite ideas all the time. People are hypocrites. People have logic-tight compartments and bifurcated brains so both can be true for them.Question is how do they react to the dumb don pronouncement "there is no GOD"?They rely on him for all truth. Now they are conflicted. Which do they give up? less
Whenever the pandemic decreases and become less of a threat mark my words....dumb don will take credit for it. You know I'm right don't you?As for the Monday PLUNGE dumb don will t... moreWhenever the pandemic decreases and become less of a threat mark my words....dumb don will take credit for it. You know I'm right don't you?As for the Monday PLUNGE dumb don will tell you it was caused by the Democrats and the investigations into him. No kidding. He will continue saying that until he dies. His deathbed confession will be "the dems done done me in". So much for believing the words of a dying man who will tell the truth before he encounters GOD.Well not dumb don. I doubt if he takes the concept of GOD seriously. But he dare not ridicule it or say GOD DOES NOT EXIST. He ridicules climate change because all his peeps agree with him. But ridiculing the existence of GOD? I doubt he would cross that line but it gives me an idea for a question. less
The period of the DARK AGES refers to 476A.D. to 1453. A period of intellectual darkness and barbarity.It tracked the movement of the huns goths bulgars vandals alani suebi franks.... moreThe period of the DARK AGES refers to 476A.D. to 1453. A period of intellectual darkness and barbarity.It tracked the movement of the huns goths bulgars vandals alani suebi franks.The redux began in January 2017 when the head hit the decks running fast and is our current period.Barbaric heads and intellectual darkness rule the lands once again. Will this DARK AGES last as long as the original?Shall we call it by another name?THE AGE OF RAGING CRUELTY THE AGE OF RAGING HATEOr will THE DARK AGES REDUX be suitable? Methinks the current head would absolutely want his age to be different and perhaps have his name/brand incorporated therein for posterity to offset the taint of IMPEACHMENTAny ideas? less
Say old pervert Harvey Weinstein is convicted multiple times for multiple crimes. Can the dumb of don pardon him dozens of times for dozens of individual crimes? Who the he** is go... moreSay old pervert Harvey Weinstein is convicted multiple times for multiple crimes. Can the dumb of don pardon him dozens of times for dozens of individual crimes? Who the he** is gonna stop him from doing such a marvelously merciful thing? Pardon all sex perverts carte blanche. Poor guys/gals. Only following their "NATCHERULL NEEDS". Who can fault them for that? Not dumb don. He UNDERSTANDS too well what depriving oneself of anything does to the delicate ego. It won't happen on his watch.
The dumb of don already has Weinstein's pardon in the pipe. When the sentence is done dumb don will swoop in and save the day once again.Of course the pervert still has to face cha... moreThe dumb of don already has Weinstein's pardon in the pipe. When the sentence is done dumb don will swoop in and save the day once again.Of course the pervert still has to face charges in Los Angeles as well. Of course dumb don has his back. All sexual perverts/deviates are on his list to pardon. He can relate to them very bigly.
That is on whom the word SADISTIC is based.The words SADISM and MASOCHISM were invented by German Psychiatrist Richard von Kraftt-Ebbing. A tip of the hat to the Marquis. His philo... moreThat is on whom the word SADISTIC is based.The words SADISM and MASOCHISM were invented by German Psychiatrist Richard von Kraftt-Ebbing. A tip of the hat to the Marquis. His philosophy has been wildly embraced by some.Among the most CRUEL TORTURERS in history areVlad the Impaler (after whom Vlad Putin was named perhaps?)RasputinH.H. HolmesElizabeth BathoryJack the RipperGilles de RaisTomas de TorquemadaTo that august hallowed list we must surely dumb don. His delight in toturing people is well know. He is a fantastic advocate for CRUELTY. Perhaps it would be more poetic to list him asDon the dumbAny others you would add to that list of vile vicious vitriolic hateful promulgators of TORTURE AND CRUELTY less
Build the wallLock her upSend her backMake America Great AgainEveryone says soThat I can tell youWise and stable geniusFake newsI am innocentAlternate realityI know nothing about i... moreBuild the wallLock her upSend her backMake America Great AgainEveryone says soThat I can tell youWise and stable geniusFake newsI am innocentAlternate realityI know nothing about it.I believe himRussia had nothing to do with itUkraine is to blameHe did nothing wrongI did nothing wrongThey did nothing wrongDon't believe what you read or hear. That is not what is happeningTrust in me and only in me. I will never lie to you.The above is the tip of the intellectual range of the head. Awesomely inspiring isn't it? less