Y'all are not dumb bunnies to believe all that crap are ya?There is no health crisis. There is no climate change crisis. There is no crisis of no kind no how no way. Every negative... moreY'all are not dumb bunnies to believe all that crap are ya?There is no health crisis. There is no climate change crisis. There is no crisis of no kind no how no way. Every negative word you might have heard is BOGUS FAKE PHONY ALTERNATE REALITY. All is well in the kingdom of the dumb of don. Couldn't be better. Everyone loves him and believes in him and trusts him. World leaders adore him and enjoy his company. What could be better than that? Nuttin' honey.To take out dumb don the Dems will go to any lengths to fake stuff that will harm him.Y'all are too dam* smart ta fall for it. Right? less
Will you be wearing face masks or just show up naked faced because you BELIEVE in dumb don and his telling not to worry. There is nothing to see here. Everything is in control. Do ... moreWill you be wearing face masks or just show up naked faced because you BELIEVE in dumb don and his telling not to worry. There is nothing to see here. Everything is in control. Do you trust him with your life?
In these trying times under the reign of the dumb don king where affirmative positive is illegal and negative is all that matters how do we get to where we SHOULD BE?
Who loves ya baby? Got your back? Watching out for YOU? Putting mike pounce in charge shows the depth of his caring for you. And you thought all he cared about was himself!
This is just another example of how we are in fact ISOLATIONISTS. We know better than anyone about everything. We don't need no lousy allies. We go our way all alone positive that ... moreThis is just another example of how we are in fact ISOLATIONISTS. We know better than anyone about everything. We don't need no lousy allies. We go our way all alone positive that it is the only way the best way the way of all winners and superiors.Unique in the degree of DUMB as exemplified by Dumb don. How proud y'all must be of how dumb don has handled this "fake news Democrat plot" so-called pandemic. Fake news. Nothing at all here. Just meant to make the stockmarket crash to undermine the re-election of the king of dumb. We the Dems are pretty strong and powerful to have done that don'tcha think? Be afraid. Be VERY AFRAID. Beside the fake news trumpvirus we will overwhelm you with more gawdawful. Stay tuned. Coming to your neighborhood soon. Everyone says so. That I can tell you. What could it hurt? less
How DARE we speak of the negative the potential the possibliity the inevitable? Move along. Nothing to see here. Quit making up stories to scare people. Just think happy thoughts a... moreHow DARE we speak of the negative the potential the possibliity the inevitable? Move along. Nothing to see here. Quit making up stories to scare people. Just think happy thoughts and everything will be okay.SIGH.This attitude is expected from the dumb don adoring worshippers. But coming from those who allegedly abhor him? It is quite shocking stunning and very unfortuante. Et tu Brute?
Spending so much time and effort in rationalizing and justifying when simply complying would be so much easier and more honorable. Homo saps go out of their way to escape obligatio... moreSpending so much time and effort in rationalizing and justifying when simply complying would be so much easier and more honorable. Homo saps go out of their way to escape obligation. They will take all the benefits they can and steal others if need be but will renege on obligations responsibilities accountability.Nature or nurture?Are we educated to skate/ stiff/ take without paying for when we can get away with it? Is that an inborn part of the sleazy least inherent in us at birth or are we taught how to "get away with it"? less
As a parent, spouse, employee, boss are they the same or different?There is no LAW saying you must be faithful to your mate but isn't it an implied OBLIGATION?Seems to me there are... moreAs a parent, spouse, employee, boss are they the same or different?There is no LAW saying you must be faithful to your mate but isn't it an implied OBLIGATION?Seems to me there are certain LOGICAL expectations inherent in all relationships whether stated or implied.It is very confusing because the wiggle room allows for rationalization justification and wriggling out of something you SHOULD do. Homo saps are very good at doing that.