He cannot control the oceansHe cannot control the weatherHe cannot control "natural" disastersHe cannot control the stockmarketHe thought he was master of the universe. He isn't. H... moreHe cannot control the oceansHe cannot control the weatherHe cannot control "natural" disastersHe cannot control the stockmarketHe thought he was master of the universe. He isn't. He is currently tantrumming and hissyfitting enraged that the seas will not obey..the weather laughs at his impotence. Mother Nature smirks at him and ridicules him. The stockmarket will have its way with him as it seeks a level.Being faced with his impotence he is not handling it well. You didn't think he would now did you? More to come. From every direction. Protect yourselves.He is totally involved with HIMself 24/7. How is all of this affecting HIM? How can HE win? How can HE spin it all to benefit HIM? How does HE attack HIS enemies during all of this? What is the best exit path for HIM? Screw everyone else and everything else how does HE SURVIVE THIS? less
You are gonna LOVE this if you don't already know.She either HEADS or is PART OF a task force to out everyone who ever criticized dumb don. I am not joking.She is poking around wit... moreYou are gonna LOVE this if you don't already know.She either HEADS or is PART OF a task force to out everyone who ever criticized dumb don. I am not joking.She is poking around with others of her ilk and giving the dumb of don specific names of specific people he needs to get rid of permanently.Now she can't recuse herself from anything because she is a complete nobody. HOWEVER her rascally sex pervert depraved hubby Clarence is part of SCOTUS and perhaps he should recuse himself from his job permanently. Conflict of interest anyone? Shocking shoddy sh**ty anyone? Surprised or do you know and if so are you a great fan of hers for doing this wondrous magnificent thing? Being an informer. I wonder how much she gets paid for being a rotten human being? less
D'ya suppose the dumb of don is so paranoid he has put cookies on every internet user and TRACKS the sites they visit? Any who visit anti-him sites goes on his list?Would that be p... moreD'ya suppose the dumb of don is so paranoid he has put cookies on every internet user and TRACKS the sites they visit? Any who visit anti-him sites goes on his list?Would that be possible? We know our visits to certain sites are tracked. Could the dumb of don have put a "hit" out on all of us unbeknownst to us? Could he be employing and paying computer whizes to track us 24/7 automatically giving him feedback on us? Is it physically possible to gather that much detailed information about we the people?He is now on a track to week his administration out of all the "deep state" haters of him. less
There are a multitude of DISGUSTING DEPRAVED things in life. Which is more disgustinger I cannot say.RAPEMURDERTORTURELYNCHINGHATEBIGOTRYLYINGBETRAYINGBelieve it or not some folks ... moreThere are a multitude of DISGUSTING DEPRAVED things in life. Which is more disgustinger I cannot say.RAPEMURDERTORTURELYNCHINGHATEBIGOTRYLYINGBETRAYINGBelieve it or not some folks justify rationalize undemonize all of them. Why? Because they are aloof uninvolved indifferent uncaring. Everything with them is always an intellectualize exercise. Nothing more because they have nothing more to give. Words. Helps a lot to just not give a dam* about anything or anyone. Do you tend to be that person or tend to be the otherwise or are you somewhere in the middle? less
The dumb of don is SO PARANOID and PETRIFIED he does not want we the people to have any access to scientific information so how does he STOP ALL OF IT?Shut down all sources. How el... moreThe dumb of don is SO PARANOID and PETRIFIED he does not want we the people to have any access to scientific information so how does he STOP ALL OF IT?Shut down all sources. How else? Shut down all publications all radio broadcasts all TV shows. Except FAUX news of course which will always be the source of his sh** 24/7.We will be in a complete NEWS BLACKOUT. All we will get will be the empty suit veep in his most platitudinous mode telling us what is going on.Now of course y'all will believe every word of it. You always do. I would say y'all are stupid dumb but to be charitable I will replace stupid dumb with naive and ingenuous. Same thing only kinder softer.Congrats to all of you for sticking by your man. Ain't he grand? See what he will do futurely. This is just the tip of his iceberg. less
His desperation and terror because the stockmarkets have plunged is to stop the free flow of information coming from scientists about the Coronavirus. All information will be funne... moreHis desperation and terror because the stockmarkets have plunged is to stop the free flow of information coming from scientists about the Coronavirus. All information will be funneled through the witless hapless mindless brainless heartless soulless mike pounce. He will be the conduit through which all info flows. No one is allowed to speak to anyone publicly without his permission.Don't y'all feel safe now? You are in good hands. The lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
He has ordered a muzzling of information. He has ordered that his adoring peep mikepounce be the boss of the coronavirus and the single spokesmouth. Any information we the people w... moreHe has ordered a muzzling of information. He has ordered that his adoring peep mikepounce be the boss of the coronavirus and the single spokesmouth. Any information we the people will get will be at the direction of mikeypounce the famous mouse.I don't know what dumb don will do if a scientist DARES to speak out and give us the truth. Firing squad? Banishment. Rip out the tongue? Color him/her gone?The dumb of don is so desperate to put lipstick on this pig he will go to any lengths to get it done.This is the monster who took an oath to preserve and protect. How d'ya like it uh huh uh huh? less