If he keeps lying and withholds information and orders mickeymousepounce to withhold information it will result in deaths. And that is no laughing matter. A compulsive liar A degen... moreIf he keeps lying and withholds information and orders mickeymousepounce to withhold information it will result in deaths. And that is no laughing matter. A compulsive liar A degenerate cheapskate reprobate deadbeat cannot be trusted to tell the truth about anything. It's all on his shoulders but notice how he very cleverly shifted everything to mickeymousepounce? The better to scapegoat him when/if disaster strikes due to incompetence and stupidity..
If you LIKE yourself you don't need others to LIKE you nor do you have to importune beg grovel. If you don't LIKE yourself all the bazillions who give you what you beg for...a LIKE... moreIf you LIKE yourself you don't need others to LIKE you nor do you have to importune beg grovel. If you don't LIKE yourself all the bazillions who give you what you beg for...a LIKE..won't matter.Why so many big holes in the souls of bazillions of homo saps that they go to STRANGERS to BEG for validation?Anyone?