He sincerely believes/wishes/hopes/prays that he is the center of the universe and that everything anyone does is to harm him hurt him remove him from his place as king.The extent ... moreHe sincerely believes/wishes/hopes/prays that he is the center of the universe and that everything anyone does is to harm him hurt him remove him from his place as king.The extent to which he fervently hopes wishes prays believes it? That Democrats will go to any length to set him up the butt of jokes and hoaxes and want millions of people to die (per his dumb donjohnjr son..apple doesn't fall from tree you see) so that it will reflect very badly on the dumb of don and he will not be re-elected.This he believes. This Y'ALL believe. The king is so important he must die figuratively so millions must die literally to make it so. Ho ho ho? Yo yo yo? YOYOS?This is the mindset and mental state of dumb don, the dumbdonjohnjr and all the adoring worshippers of whom of which there are MILLIONS. Alas alack and woe is us. How do you cure millions of people so afflicted with mental illness that they truly believe "the enemy/democrats" want millions of people to DIE?Go figger! less
Intermarriage way back when in the ancestral family tree would result in the stark harsh RIGID SAME similarity of a Dr. Laura A Sean of Hannity a Rush of Limbaugh and the dumb don ... moreIntermarriage way back when in the ancestral family tree would result in the stark harsh RIGID SAME similarity of a Dr. Laura A Sean of Hannity a Rush of Limbaugh and the dumb don cabal et al etcetera etcetera etcetera. Their blood lines may be all intertwined and their DNA all comingled way back in time which explains how they all sound alike think alike having the exact same obnoxious audacious "personalities". Quiet calm classy they aren't. LOUD LOUD LOUD they are. Runs in families.
Do you TRUST what you are hearing from dumb don and his cabal et al? Is it transparent and comforting and you are certain the gubment will be forthcoming truthful and give us ALL t... moreDo you TRUST what you are hearing from dumb don and his cabal et al? Is it transparent and comforting and you are certain the gubment will be forthcoming truthful and give us ALL the information?Or the opposite? Seriously. Why do you think dumb don would change his spots mid-stream? He has never been truthful trustworthy or transparent. He is incapable of it. It would kill him. So what we need essentially we will never get from him. What do you propose we do about that?
ALLEGEDLY dumb don said the Coronavirus IS A HOAX. Did he say it today or yesterday? I don't know. How or why does THAT matter? If he said it then of course that is what he believe... moreALLEGEDLY dumb don said the Coronavirus IS A HOAX. Did he say it today or yesterday? I don't know. How or why does THAT matter? If he said it then of course that is what he believes. Now how many of y'all ALWAYS CONFORM your beiefs to match his lest you be accused of being disloyal to him? I wonder what aobut those wh died? A hoax too?So is that dumb or what?Do YOU think it's a hoax perpetrated by the democrats to take dumb don down and out? In your heart of hearts what do you FEEL?
Thinking up ways for days and days of how to inflict MORE CRUELTY to "the other" and locking up children in kennels and cages and forcing them to live in unairconditioned Texas des... moreThinking up ways for days and days of how to inflict MORE CRUELTY to "the other" and locking up children in kennels and cages and forcing them to live in unairconditioned Texas desert tent cities during the heat of summerORPardoning the vile the vicious the depraved perverted corrupt criminals both alive and dead?Which would do less harm? Would you support less harm or are you among his most ardent fans who thrill when he inflicts MORE HARM? Inquiring minds wanna know these things. Why? None of your dam* business that's why! less
Because to a man, woman, girly man and manly womanTHEY ALL RIDICULE SCIENCE AND FACT UNILATERALLY COMPLETELY ABSOLUTELY FOREVERLY POSITIVELYMake fun of those who worry about it sin... moreBecause to a man, woman, girly man and manly womanTHEY ALL RIDICULE SCIENCE AND FACT UNILATERALLY COMPLETELY ABSOLUTELY FOREVERLY POSITIVELYMake fun of those who worry about it since to them it is all a fakehoax designed by democrats to hurt the dumb of don. Everything is always designed to hurt the dumb of don. Nothing stands on its own alone and absolute. The dumb of don is central to and the entire raison e'tre of American life....possibly even UNIVERSAL LIFE. Get it?Aren't we way lucky we have them to set us straight? You betchum red ryder. you betchum. less
Of course! You have the inalienable right to believe what you choose when you choose how you choose or how you choose not to. YOU ARE THE BOSS OF YOU. IT IS ALL ON YOU what you do ... moreOf course! You have the inalienable right to believe what you choose when you choose how you choose or how you choose not to. YOU ARE THE BOSS OF YOU. IT IS ALL ON YOU what you do what you say what you believe.Are you up to owning up to your responsibility or will you "transfer" it to others because well that's what you have always done and it has worked for you? Whatever.
Because climate change is affecting sea level rise and by 2050 coastal cities will be under water. Especially in the states of Florida, New Jersey and New York. I expect California... moreBecause climate change is affecting sea level rise and by 2050 coastal cities will be under water. Especially in the states of Florida, New Jersey and New York. I expect California is also at risk. They will be under water.What will happen to the Florida Keys and outer Islands in the south and the Hawaiian Islands probably won't be so good either. You are being given notice. Plenty of notice. Will you ignore it as being hyperfake and just wait until your palatial beach home is gone? Up to you. Warnings cannot be forced upon you. At some point common sense and logic is required and no one can GIVE them to you. It's all up to you. Sink or swim or drown. Your choice. less
WHITE NATIONALIST RACISTS all approve of dumb don.The 2 out of 10 who don't are the real Christians. The 8 out of 10 who are the liars the phonies the con artists the pretenders. M... moreWHITE NATIONALIST RACISTS all approve of dumb don.The 2 out of 10 who don't are the real Christians. The 8 out of 10 who are the liars the phonies the con artists the pretenders. Makes sense because they reflect everything they love about dumb don. A liar a phony a con artist a pretender. Birds of a feather.