Because bernie would be a formidable opponent? Hahahahahahahahaha. No, seriously. Because bernie is the least threatening and most easily beatale? Now you're getting closer.I dunno... moreBecause bernie would be a formidable opponent? Hahahahahahahahaha. No, seriously. Because bernie is the least threatening and most easily beatale? Now you're getting closer.I dunno how it will go. I do know that having dumb don beat the drums for a prospective opponent is singularly peculiar and oddly queer but then so is dumb don.
How many adoring worshippers will do what dumb don tells them to do and CHEAT and LIE to subvert the election process?Anything dumb don wants, right? Including shredding any integr... moreHow many adoring worshippers will do what dumb don tells them to do and CHEAT and LIE to subvert the election process?Anything dumb don wants, right? Including shredding any integrity any dumb don supporter may have left which is questionably dubious.Ya think thousands will follow dumb don's command and vote for Bernie or HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS?Then BERNIE will overwhelmingly FAKE "beat" Joe Biden whom dumb don is terrified of facing obviously or he wouldn't be exhorting his adoring worshippers to lie and cheat and subvert and SABOTAGE an election would he?If he thought he could beat Joe or any of the others why would he continue to order his toady sycophant adoring worshippers to vote for Bernie? Think about it. He believes bernie is unelectable and the most beatable or he wouldn't be out there constantly defending him would he? Of course not. less
So their stockmarket accounts can keep tanking daily and their 401K's can lose 90% of their value. He still will own their hearts mind and souls because above all else he is a CRUE... moreSo their stockmarket accounts can keep tanking daily and their 401K's can lose 90% of their value. He still will own their hearts mind and souls because above all else he is a CRUEL VICIOUS HATEFUL VINDICTIVE SOB DETERMINED TO DESTROY PILLAGE ANNIHILATE! Great for him ain't it though?
Would you get not only a two-fer but also Michelle Obama too?An intriguiging thought and perhaps beguiling enough to make a big difference?I speak only for me. If that were t... moreWould you get not only a two-fer but also Michelle Obama too?An intriguiging thought and perhaps beguiling enough to make a big difference?I speak only for me. If that were the case Biden would have my vote in a heartbeat.Of course hopefully he would have selected a slam dunk winner as his veep. So many things being juggled at once. Hard to concentrate an any specific outcome at the moment."In your dreams"? Mebbe. I can dream can't I?
Dumb don of course. He is ONLY TRUE TO HIMSELF and not to anyone else ever nor will he be.One day you're a pal. The next day he attacks insults and eviscerates you. It's just part ... moreDumb don of course. He is ONLY TRUE TO HIMSELF and not to anyone else ever nor will he be.One day you're a pal. The next day he attacks insults and eviscerates you. It's just part of his darn charm you see. An idiosyncrasy. A quirk. An eccentricity.There are NO exceptions to this. Staying true to him is playing Russian Roulette. Eventually that lone bullet in the barrel will kill you. All his toady sycophants live life on the edge. Any day now they will slip up and be a target he will take great joy in revenge because cruelty is what turns him bigly. less
Watch your bacK? Unlikely since he takes joy in KNIFING us in the back.He would unquestionably turn you over to the enemy to save himself. Why say I that? BECAUSE HE ALREADY HAS. H... moreWatch your bacK? Unlikely since he takes joy in KNIFING us in the back.He would unquestionably turn you over to the enemy to save himself. Why say I that? BECAUSE HE ALREADY HAS. He turned us over to vlad putin years ago and continues to sacrifice us at that altar and always will. He cannot quit vlad and we are all expendable.
If we don't get what we SHOULD BE GETTING what we do get won't matter. We will die from lack of TRUTHFUL TIMELY SCIENCE-BASED KNOWLEDGE. Nothing exists that will replace that. No b... moreIf we don't get what we SHOULD BE GETTING what we do get won't matter. We will die from lack of TRUTHFUL TIMELY SCIENCE-BASED KNOWLEDGE. Nothing exists that will replace that. No bullsh** spin or lies or denials or alternate reality "facts" or coverups or conspiracy to keep us in the dark. What we always get from the dumb of don will be an instrument of our destruction. If he is still too stupid dumb to realize that well then we are at great risk and it is getting riskier.HE IS A FAILURE.
Y'all feel all better now don'tcha? Celebrate as if there is nothing wrong and there will be nothing wrong because you are celebrating it.Oh that makes no sense to you? Get on boar... moreY'all feel all better now don'tcha? Celebrate as if there is nothing wrong and there will be nothing wrong because you are celebrating it.Oh that makes no sense to you? Get on board the bandwaggon bucko! It had better make sense to you or you will be targeted for elimination one way or the other.Everything is fine. Everything will be fine. The powers that be are wise extremely stable geniuses and so therefore to whit they are brilliantly doing everything they should and so don't worry your pretty little heads. You are in good hands. Nothing will go wrong. Let the "leaders" do all the thinking and worrying for you. All you have to do is sit, lie down, roll over and beg just exactly as you always do.Carry on. less
Cult members are not allowed to be independent about anything ESPECIALLY their thinking.They think alike talk alike act alike. No deviation from the pretzelization having been effe... moreCult members are not allowed to be independent about anything ESPECIALLY their thinking.They think alike talk alike act alike. No deviation from the pretzelization having been effected by the cult leader either purposely or incidentally.Ayn Rand had a cult followingHitler had a cult followingCharles Manson had a cult followingDumb don has a cult followingOther political figures are cultheads with a followingThe Beatles had a cult followingElvis for sure had a cult followingAnyone else come to mind whose followers are/were obsessed possessed submerged in devotion based on EMOTION?To cult or not to cult. That is the question. Do you cult proudly loudly or do you REFUSE to cult? less
Try doing that now and dumb don will consider that being DISLOYAL to him and he will target you and exact revenge. YOU KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT EVERYONE KNOWS THAT.
Seems to me as we get older things should become clearer to understand not more difficult.People used to be different. Change is everywhere and we hope change is beneficial and "fo... moreSeems to me as we get older things should become clearer to understand not more difficult.People used to be different. Change is everywhere and we hope change is beneficial and "for the better".So the changes you have seen or experienced have made YOU a better person than you were before or less better because of the way things are these days? Ever think about it or is thinking one of the casualties of today's world along with honesty respect kindness and being humane?