Of course we are now all taking precautions but is it too little too late? Where will the damage be most great?No one can answer those questions I know. But they occur to me so I ask them.
Witness the popularity of he incessant endless repetitious HATE RALLIES. What are they for but to promulgate hate? They cheer and stomp and shout and gloat and high five. The audie... moreWitness the popularity of he incessant endless repetitious HATE RALLIES. What are they for but to promulgate hate? They cheer and stomp and shout and gloat and high five. The audience "gets off" on every golden word though they've heard all of them before over and over and over and over again. It's what they have to look forward to. Odd that. But then it takes all kinds and different strokes for different folks. The dumb don peeps are definitely different.
Per dumb don mickeymousepounce is now IN CHARGE of all information dissemination vis a vis the Coronavirus.All scientists are MUZZLED. One conduit bottleneck only per dumb don.WHAT... morePer dumb don mickeymousepounce is now IN CHARGE of all information dissemination vis a vis the Coronavirus.All scientists are MUZZLED. One conduit bottleneck only per dumb don.WHAT COULD GO WRONG?
Y'all KNEW he was a cheapskate deadbeat egomaniac blowhard when you voted for him the first time. He has proven to be additionally unpatriotic incompetent indifferent cruel and a p... moreY'all KNEW he was a cheapskate deadbeat egomaniac blowhard when you voted for him the first time. He has proven to be additionally unpatriotic incompetent indifferent cruel and a puppet of a hostile foreign country in those years.So what does that say about YOU if you're gonna vote for that again?
Because the progeny of dumb don can do/say no wrong either. Whatever the kids say is pure gold and worthwhile and needs to be said. The army of defenders who adore dumb don absolut... moreBecause the progeny of dumb don can do/say no wrong either. Whatever the kids say is pure gold and worthwhile and needs to be said. The army of defenders who adore dumb don absolutely also adore the progeny equally. Don't dare touch a hair on their heads. SIGH.
Well little mickeymousepounce, the CZAR of the Coronavirus information release is attending a FUNDRAISER.So you see they are unflappable and focus on WHAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT>For... moreWell little mickeymousepounce, the CZAR of the Coronavirus information release is attending a FUNDRAISER.So you see they are unflappable and focus on WHAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT>For dumb don it's another chance for a HATE RALLY. For the pounce it's another chance to be wined and dined by supporters. Whatever is going on elsewise elsewhere otherwise is not their concern. They KNOW what's important and they do it.Nifty ain't it?