Blame is the basis of all hateYour life is nothing but crap. You take no responsibility for any of it. Why? Because your crappedup life is directly caused by "the other" and it is ... moreBlame is the basis of all hateYour life is nothing but crap. You take no responsibility for any of it. Why? Because your crappedup life is directly caused by "the other" and it is that "other" you must destroy to "take your life back. "Take your country back" Take back that which is RIGHTFULLY YOURS that "the other" deprives you of. Right on bro GO GO GO..Simple. Find a toilet to dump your poop. Find a person to dump your hate. No difference between them. Hate is sh** when you come right down to it. Isn't it? Call it by its rightful name. Don't be a wuss or a wimp. less
BUDDHA.Unless of course you are wearing protective gloves that can stand the heat of a burning coal.Who is going to take on anything BUDDHA said?Who disagree with it?Anyone ever do... moreBUDDHA.Unless of course you are wearing protective gloves that can stand the heat of a burning coal.Who is going to take on anything BUDDHA said?Who disagree with it?Anyone ever done it literally?
How does the "feeler" pay for it? Does it eventually tap him/her out and she is left broke and broken? Is there something of value that all can benefit from or is it dark hol... moreHow does the "feeler" pay for it? Does it eventually tap him/her out and she is left broke and broken? Is there something of value that all can benefit from or is it dark hole of infinite despair from which no one ever returned?HATEENVYJEALOUSYTriple Crown? A Hat Trick? The holy trinity?
The physcal emotional spiritual mental toll of which is more damaging to the hater?What good/benefit accrues to the hater? If any does it last or is it only temporary?
And wipe the cyperattackers off the face of the earth?Are they smarter than we are? Obviously they must be or else they wouldn't keep doing it and getting away with it.Would they?
When the power is in the hands of the mental defectives we have a problem Houston.IQ might be high but everything else is in the tank including morality integrity caring sharing an... moreWhen the power is in the hands of the mental defectives we have a problem Houston.IQ might be high but everything else is in the tank including morality integrity caring sharing and kindness.There it is.
Due to the volume does good old mitch just run them through the shredder and use it for confetti on New Year's Eve?Sure. Mebbe. Why not? What could it hurt?
After all TRUTH IN ADVERTISING matters. No REPUBLICAN would ever want or try to destroy the REPUBLIC. Ergo therefore to whit NAME CHANGE IT.To what and why? The TRUMPICANS? Th... moreAfter all TRUTH IN ADVERTISING matters. No REPUBLICAN would ever want or try to destroy the REPUBLIC. Ergo therefore to whit NAME CHANGE IT.To what and why? The TRUMPICANS? The old man would love it.