"THERE ARE VERY FINE PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES".His daughter, grandkids and son-in-law are JEWISH! But it matters not. Nothing matters to trump except shoring up his hate-based supporte... more"THERE ARE VERY FINE PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES".His daughter, grandkids and son-in-law are JEWISH! But it matters not. Nothing matters to trump except shoring up his hate-based supporters and he does that all the time. It's all he is good for as a matter of fact.That's why in June he will resuscitate his EGO HATE RALLIES and do the traveling minstrel show in white face from place to place to place to place. Until his a** is in court for lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit.Whatever.Meanwhile the 74 million think trump is the president.That cannabals who sex traffick children then murder them and eat them are part of the deep state conspiracy against the trump.That GOD sent the trump to salvation them. That trump is THE CHOSEN ONE.74 million nutjob crackpots. less
When will the trump GOP die? Go away? Extinctify? How much longer must we suffer the arrogance impertinance and consequences of this evil?Seriously.EVERYTHING ENDS EVENTUALLY. Even... moreWhen will the trump GOP die? Go away? Extinctify? How much longer must we suffer the arrogance impertinance and consequences of this evil?Seriously.EVERYTHING ENDS EVENTUALLY. Even donald john trump? Or does he go on forever?
All those fought so hard their entire lives to GET and PROTECT our voting rights..our civil rights. Some of them almost died doing it. Some did or were murdered specificially.Know ... moreAll those fought so hard their entire lives to GET and PROTECT our voting rights..our civil rights. Some of them almost died doing it. Some did or were murdered specificially.Know who else is weeping? GOD. If there is a LOVING GOD HE could NOT NOT be weeping at this travesty of ugly evil incivility and hate.Do I KNOW? Of course not. Do I BELIEVE? You bet your a** I do. Wherever you are out there doing whatever the he** you are doing just know that you will pay one day for what you do here. I believe that. If there is a universal justice at work that balances things out I BELIEVE THAT. Elsewise our entire lives have been a massive joke and worthless. less
The signs said "Jews will never.......us". I didn't get that missing word. They were the folks that donald john trump said of "there are good people on both sides". Yep. Well the t... moreThe signs said "Jews will never.......us". I didn't get that missing word. They were the folks that donald john trump said of "there are good people on both sides". Yep. Well the trump boys who with anti-semitic signs are the ones who sent those 17,000 tweets. You can bet your a** on it.Y'all do remember the glory of CHARLOTTESVILLE don'tcha? A shining glory moment for donald john trump and the trump boys.I wonder if tail lure remembers that? Because her conparison is ill founded. It is the similarity of NAZIS and those NAZI americans marching at Charlottesville carrying those anti-semitic signs...the trump boys of whom trump said "there are good people on both sides".The tail lure is like all GOP. Historically ignorant. less
39million two hundred and twenty thousand39,220,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I know! GO FIGGER!
Young people are running away in DROVES from the OLD WHITES genderwise and otherwise.Creaky with arthritis and brains filled with gummy stuff that causes Alzheimers/senility/insani... moreYoung people are running away in DROVES from the OLD WHITES genderwise and otherwise.Creaky with arthritis and brains filled with gummy stuff that causes Alzheimers/senility/insanity.Nothing there to attract life. Death stench is the perfume it wears. Death is what their members who murder seek. Death to "the other"? They do not realize they ARE the other and they are dying. We hear the death rattle. They are all deaf.
Do you think it possible that rather than battle between those who worship Satan and those who worship GOD the final battle will betweenThose who worship GODandThose who worship do... moreDo you think it possible that rather than battle between those who worship Satan and those who worship GOD the final battle will betweenThose who worship GODandThose who worship donald john trump?They cannot serve both MASTERS. They foolishly believe they can and believe they do but we KNOW they can'tSo which way do you think they will go? All those adoring worshippers who kiss the ground donald john walks upon and thank GOD for bringing their donald john to them but otherwise believe GOD the HE is of no use to themversusThose of us who believe that is BLASPHEMY that GOD would bring such EVIL to help the people find salvation.I mean just typing those words make my fingers giggle!Tossup? Everybody dies? No one wins? less
Why don't other creative folks create other dam* good ideas to BENEFIT and HELP we the people?I know you're out there. What's the holdup?Oh y'all do know that Ohio's governor is a ... moreWhy don't other creative folks create other dam* good ideas to BENEFIT and HELP we the people?I know you're out there. What's the holdup?Oh y'all do know that Ohio's governor is a REPUBLICAN right? See? There are some among them who are intelligent and sane doing the job they took an oath to do. IMAGINE THAT?45% INCREASE in vaccinations for adults94% INCREASE in vaccinations for teens
All the murders/kills so far and those that are yet to come!Memorializing their present their now and their tomorrow. All involve bloodshed and destruction of "the other".Well what... moreAll the murders/kills so far and those that are yet to come!Memorializing their present their now and their tomorrow. All involve bloodshed and destruction of "the other".Well what the he** do you expect them to memorialize? American WAR HEROES who fought and died to keep America safe from people like THEM? Sheesh. Get a grip. Smell the skunk..