As they brush off and minimize and lie how is that not committing treason and traitoring?Seriously.They are all guilty of insurrection approval support defense. CO-CONSPIRATORS aft... moreAs they brush off and minimize and lie how is that not committing treason and traitoring?Seriously.They are all guilty of insurrection approval support defense. CO-CONSPIRATORS after the fact when we KNOW because we watched and heard? They ruse themselves but not us. Nutjob crackpots if they think they have sold us on the BIG LIE and its supporters? They haven't. Every day in every way they become less than. Soon there will be nothing at all left of them. They will disappear become extinct and nothing will be left of them as if they never existed. And so it goes. You makes your bed and you lies in it. And whatever you get you deserve! less
It will go on without them. They will sit on the sidelines mute and IMPOTENT because they gave up any rights to anything regarding it.Super dumb stupid dumbs. Yep. That's what they... moreIt will go on without them. They will sit on the sidelines mute and IMPOTENT because they gave up any rights to anything regarding it.Super dumb stupid dumbs. Yep. That's what they are. Super dumb stupid dumbs.DEMS will roll on without them. Their choice. NO VOICE. Super dumb stupid dumbs.
NOPE! We needed TEN to make it work. We got SIX.We KNEW they didn't have the spine or the right stuff to do the right thing. Prevents the Senate from even DEBATING the bill.America... moreNOPE! We needed TEN to make it work. We got SIX.We KNEW they didn't have the spine or the right stuff to do the right thing. Prevents the Senate from even DEBATING the bill.American people will see how each trump GOP gopher senator voted.Senate minority leader waged a filibuster against the bill. The trump BIG LIE now is the foundation of the GOP. Pushing THE BIG LIE. PROMULGATING THE BIG LIE. THAT IS NOW AND FOREVERMORE the legacy of the GOP.Senate republicans chose to support THE BIG LIE because they are chickensh** scairdy cats. A fat old man ..a LOSER.. is what cowers them and terrifies them. Shame on the republican party. Your legacy depends on the approbation of a crackpot. GOD speed. Good luck. You deserve what ye have wrought. We don't. All bad to you. less
"Russia appears to carry out hack through system used by US Aid AGency."Very clever these Russkies. Going in through humanitarian sites to do their dirty deeds. Why not? Whom does ... more"Russia appears to carry out hack through system used by US Aid AGency."Very clever these Russkies. Going in through humanitarian sites to do their dirty deeds. Why not? Whom does it hurt? WHO CARES? Who cares? Seriously?
How do you know that eczema was responsible?Where did you get your information?Why would you ask that since it is an unanswerable question?Are you a robot?
What do these BOZOS get paywise?Ever had a job where all you did was ONE THING? Lots of bennies right? BIG BIG BIG pay. All you had to do each day was SHOW UP and BLOCK?Lazy welfar... moreWhat do these BOZOS get paywise?Ever had a job where all you did was ONE THING? Lots of bennies right? BIG BIG BIG pay. All you had to do each day was SHOW UP and BLOCK?Lazy welfare bums. The lot of them are just lazy welfare bums. How much intellect and energy and education and experience and effort does it take to NO NO NO NO NO NO NO?
How rude is that? Disrespectful ungrateful wretches.They not only do not thank anyone for possibly saving their lives they do not support finding the truth of what and how January ... moreHow rude is that? Disrespectful ungrateful wretches.They not only do not thank anyone for possibly saving their lives they do not support finding the truth of what and how January 6 happened.They don't care to know and they will block anyone from knowing. They are all selfish ingrates/brats who feel ENTITLED to everything and responsible for NOTHING.A shame on all of them. Disreputable despicable degenerates. A pox on your houses!
As of 2019 there were still hundreds of thousands of Holocasut survivors and Germany paid $56.4 million to them and has been paying since the Holocaust Reparations began. It was si... moreAs of 2019 there were still hundreds of thousands of Holocasut survivors and Germany paid $56.4 million to them and has been paying since the Holocaust Reparations began. It was signed September 10, 1952 and was activated March 27, 1953.Now MY COUNTRYWhat has it done in the way of REPARATIONS for the native amercans that we murdered to get their land tne and the African Americans that we "kept" as slaves?Anything? Nothing? Something? Does anyone know?Now if your country is other than Germany or the United States and it did bad bad things to any of the people did it, has it or is it currently paying reparations?Do the crime do the time and pay the dime.That's SHOULD. What IS? I'd sure like to know. less
Ya vant I should get you a VODKA? Caviar? BORSCHT? BLack Russian?Or wouldja rather dine like trump on Cokes/Pepsis (not diet but full sugar to sweeten him up otherwise he is very b... moreYa vant I should get you a VODKA? Caviar? BORSCHT? BLack Russian?Or wouldja rather dine like trump on Cokes/Pepsis (not diet but full sugar to sweeten him up otherwise he is very bitter very sour) McDonald's day and night night and day? Whaddaya say?
You got that right. JEALOUSY ENVY. They were LESS THAN by any measure and they could not take it. So they destroyed 35 square blocks of the Greenwood section. 39 dead. 800 required... moreYou got that right. JEALOUSY ENVY. They were LESS THAN by any measure and they could not take it. So they destroyed 35 square blocks of the Greenwood section. 39 dead. 800 required hospitalization. 10,000 left homeless. They even dropped bombs on some of the areas. Whatever they could get their hands on. Their jealous FURY just exploded! BLOOD ON BLACK WALL STREET. The color envy/jealousy is not green. IT IS RED..BLOOD RED.