Of course the unknown is frghtening. Not knowing what is out there or if you will survive it can't be comforting.Even so what would the world be without imagination? A better place... moreOf course the unknown is frghtening. Not knowing what is out there or if you will survive it can't be comforting.Even so what would the world be without imagination? A better place or dreary colorless predictable dull boring endlessly unbearable?
The first shot was fired January 6, 2021.Since the confederates went underground they created over 800 hate groups who are now all operational and waiting for the orders to proceed... moreThe first shot was fired January 6, 2021.Since the confederates went underground they created over 800 hate groups who are now all operational and waiting for the orders to proceed.Though they go by different names they are at core all the same. White Supremacists each and every one of them.The call to arms came and they all heard it loud and clear.What happens next and when is not known to me but it is known to them.Are you ready?
Pessimistic cynical negatives. A role they play to get attention or are they really and truly THAT WAY 24/7?If so how dull and boring and uninteresting are they as human beings.Who... morePessimistic cynical negatives. A role they play to get attention or are they really and truly THAT WAY 24/7?If so how dull and boring and uninteresting are they as human beings.Who wants to spend any time with the downerbird when time can be spent with those who talk about unicorns angels and rainbows and infinite possibilities?
Only a handful of House FOOTOOHEADS believe THE BIG LIE. Maybe 5 or less. The rest want to keep their jobs and the only way they can is to lie about believing THE BIG LIE.We suspec... moreOnly a handful of House FOOTOOHEADS believe THE BIG LIE. Maybe 5 or less. The rest want to keep their jobs and the only way they can is to lie about believing THE BIG LIE.We suspected that. We really didn't think all FOOTOO party House members believed that crap. We figgered they just went along with it for survival.Authenticated by an inside FOOTOO pol. But FOOTOO never reads anything so he won't know how much of an old fool he really is living in delusionland almost entirely alone on his own.And so it goes. less
SWILLLiquid or partly liquid food for animals esp. kitchen refuse given to swine. Hogwash.Kitchen refuse in general; garbageAny liquid mess, waste or refuse; slopContemptibly worth... moreSWILLLiquid or partly liquid food for animals esp. kitchen refuse given to swine. Hogwash.Kitchen refuse in general; garbageAny liquid mess, waste or refuse; slopContemptibly worthless or writing drivelSome fancy swill. Some fancy road kill.
Sometimes the harder you try the farther away you get. Sometimes when you stop trying and move on to other things what you sought comes to you.You can't count on it of course but i... moreSometimes the harder you try the farther away you get. Sometimes when you stop trying and move on to other things what you sought comes to you.You can't count on it of course but it does happen.So take everything with a grain of salt and if "it" doesn't work out move on and fuggeddaboutit.