The GREAT BARRIER REEF in Australia for instance. But there are coral reefs in many places all essential to environmental stability. Scientists have been seeding them with "babies"... moreThe GREAT BARRIER REEF in Australia for instance. But there are coral reefs in many places all essential to environmental stability. Scientists have been seeding them with "babies" and most of them die off and cannot survive.What will happen when all of them are 100% dead? We will be too.
Let them find their own country...some uninhabited coral reef and call it WHITE SUPREMACYLAND? Of course Coral Reefs are in dire trouble and dying worldwide. But that shouldn't mat... moreLet them find their own country...some uninhabited coral reef and call it WHITE SUPREMACYLAND? Of course Coral Reefs are in dire trouble and dying worldwide. But that shouldn't matter to the WHITES. They don't believe in climate change or degradation of the world around them. Good riddance and also believe it or not GAWD BLESS. Happy voyaging to a land when vanila homogeneity is the height of success and everyone looks like everyone. WHITE bliss. Or something.No need to restrict anyone from anything. No one around that needs restricting. All identical lookalikes. Well some very very fat and out of shape and some lean and mean and hunks and babes. But colorwise no differential in any essential. less
Like say margie tail lure greeeen the QANON crackpot queen is very popular among her ilk but an embarrassment of great porportion to the multiplicity of non-admirers. Where will th... moreLike say margie tail lure greeeen the QANON crackpot queen is very popular among her ilk but an embarrassment of great porportion to the multiplicity of non-admirers. Where will the tail lure end up politically d'ya think? Start up her own country and only allow WHITES to live there?
Whaddabout the other 3 in blue who were bystanders too watching the nifty handiwork of one of their own "boys in blue"?What would you like them to be convicted of and what sentence... moreWhaddabout the other 3 in blue who were bystanders too watching the nifty handiwork of one of their own "boys in blue"?What would you like them to be convicted of and what sentence would you most ADORE being imposed? Because?
Truman not dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and NagasakiFOOTOO not being elected presidentHitler not exterminating 6 million JewsWhat historical tragedy travesty would you most l... moreTruman not dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and NagasakiFOOTOO not being elected presidentHitler not exterminating 6 million JewsWhat historical tragedy travesty would you most like to DO OVER? Why?
You'd hire one wouldn't you? They will pretzelize and gyrate and say whatever you want FOR A PRICE.They are all alike these "experts" and they make a dam* good living I expect. Ces... moreYou'd hire one wouldn't you? They will pretzelize and gyrate and say whatever you want FOR A PRICE.They are all alike these "experts" and they make a dam* good living I expect. Cesspools are their metier.They breed there.
Perfect justice delivered on TV free of charge.He is shackled and handcuffed and placed FACE DOWN ON THE GROUND as he is knee in necked until dead.He might die a lot faster than Ge... morePerfect justice delivered on TV free of charge.He is shackled and handcuffed and placed FACE DOWN ON THE GROUND as he is knee in necked until dead.He might die a lot faster than George Floyd died. He deserves to experience what he inflicted.In my opinion. Why should we have to pay for his sorry a** for 40 years? AN EYE FOR AN EYE.Be murdered in the exact same way as ye murder. Get a taste of what you dish out. On TV where millions can watch the life go out of you.Why not? What could it hurt?Lest you think I am joking I AM NOT.I know. VENGEANCE IS MINE SAYETH THE LORD. Right? less
ARe his murderous racist thugs really all that STUPID?No I am not adovcating limiting it to Chinese. I think FOOTOO is tke stupid dumb one for doing that and saying that in the fir... moreARe his murderous racist thugs really all that STUPID?No I am not adovcating limiting it to Chinese. I think FOOTOO is tke stupid dumb one for doing that and saying that in the first place.Well whatcha gonna with the stupid dumbs? They are incapable of learning anything.