That's called DOUBLING DOWN which the FOOTOO GOP does all the time now having learned how from the great FOOTOO.They got caught STEALING millions of dollars from contributrers who ... moreThat's called DOUBLING DOWN which the FOOTOO GOP does all the time now having learned how from the great FOOTOO.They got caught STEALING millions of dollars from contributrers who sued them by droves for FRAUD. Did they learn their lesson and ut their tails between their legs and grovel crawlling bellywise backwards?ARE YOU KIDDING?NOW they are strongarming and threatening that if you don't keep the automatic giving to the Republican crapfest and the FOOTOO you will be outed and target and labeled and pay for it!Good show guys. That'll win you lots more fans. Sheesh. less
No one is that stupid dumb not even him. Right?The BOYCOTT COCA COLA jockstrap sap wouldn't be so stupid dumb as to be actually drinking a coke wood he?
He tells corporations to butt out of politics but still wants their money.He doesn't know they contribute for POLITICAL PURPOSES to buy pols like mitch to pass legislation that wil... moreHe tells corporations to butt out of politics but still wants their money.He doesn't know they contribute for POLITICAL PURPOSES to buy pols like mitch to pass legislation that wil lbenefit the corporation.Now how can he be so old and so stupid dumb and still have a job in politics?I sure don't know. Do you?BUTT OUT. SHUT UP. SEND MONEY.Seriously?
Ever hear of Franz Josef Huber? He was a NAZI and deported tens of thousands of Jewish prisoners to concentration and EXTERMINATION camps. Kinda like an EICHMANN only guess what?We... moreEver hear of Franz Josef Huber? He was a NAZI and deported tens of thousands of Jewish prisoners to concentration and EXTERMINATION camps. Kinda like an EICHMANN only guess what?West Germany and america CONCEALED his participation in the holocaust so he could serve as a COLD WAR asset.SIGH.Sometimes the more you find out the less enlightened you are. Shouldn't be that way. Why is it?
Allegedly he plans to start a legal group to BLOCK President Biden's agenda via the use of a bazillion LAWSUITS challenging everything President Biden does says thinks wishes hopes... moreAllegedly he plans to start a legal group to BLOCK President Biden's agenda via the use of a bazillion LAWSUITS challenging everything President Biden does says thinks wishes hopes plans. Now that's what FOOTOO done done filing about 60 crap lawsuits to challenge the VALID RESULTS OF THE VALID ELECTION. ALL OF WHICH WERE THROWN OUT OF COURT FOR HAVING NO MERIT.It worked so well for FOOTOO liddle stevie miller is gonna copycat that.Always thinking. Always using his fine mind. Always being liddle stevie miller. Who could ask for anything more? less
You CHOOSE whom you invite to your home. No one has the right to just barge right in without an invitation or your okay.What's the diff between that invasion and invasion of a soci... moreYou CHOOSE whom you invite to your home. No one has the right to just barge right in without an invitation or your okay.What's the diff between that invasion and invasion of a social site account. I DON'T GET IT. Do you?I mean I'm not a fan of FOOTOO but there was some issue that he wanted to block some people from having access to his Twitter account. Why was there any problem with that? Doesn't the president have the same rights as any citizen?
So in Florida at least cops get CARTE BLANCHE to have their way with anyone they want and they will be protected.Gosh everyone move to Florida! EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STATE. Ain't it great?
Proportionality is when the force used is based on the extent of the threat.In other words every situation is different. There is no ONE SIZE FITS ALL.When someone is face down han... moreProportionality is when the force used is based on the extent of the threat.In other words every situation is different. There is no ONE SIZE FITS ALL.When someone is face down handcuffed and not moving at all and the SAME DEGREE OF FORCE is still used for minutes would you see the forcer is using proportionality or is off on a cloud of his own floating high above what's going on and getting off on his power his authority and having a real good time?Hands in his pockets. Vapid expression. Glaring at the cameras. No emotion. NO ATTEMPT TO SAVE THE LIFE. NONE. NOT ONE OF THEM MADE A MOVE.In a movie you'd say it was an outrageous scenario that would never happen in real life!You'd be wrong. DEAD wrong. less
The FOOTOO ilk and all the hate groups wackheads who do whatever FOOTOO tell them to do.IN GOVERNMENT terrorism.What other countries are blessed with such skillful pols?Bragging ri... moreThe FOOTOO ilk and all the hate groups wackheads who do whatever FOOTOO tell them to do.IN GOVERNMENT terrorism.What other countries are blessed with such skillful pols?Bragging rights belong to the FOOTOO GOP who pulled a real number stunner on the country. More to come no doubt. FOOTOO's butt got kicked out and fortunately the rest of him went with it. But he is pulling all the strings from his chateau in mar a lago. The rejects fly down there for his benediction to kiss his ring and his a** periodically. It is what you do when you are LOYAL to someone. Eventually all adoring worshippers will be ordered to do the same thing. Fly down, drive down, walk down, crawl down. Kiss the ring kiss the butt and leave a financial offering. A tithe. You do that in church you can do that in politics for a don a king a master a lord and....:) less
Telling corporations to BUTT OUT OF POLITICS?Of colurse he still wants their money.Anyway the jacka** wackhead makes the most unrepublican statement ever made. The GOP has been the... moreTelling corporations to BUTT OUT OF POLITICS?Of colurse he still wants their money.Anyway the jacka** wackhead makes the most unrepublican statement ever made. The GOP has been the "pleasure toy" of Corporations since forever. The pols will perform any comfort pleasure tricks for their wealthy johns. Just name it. They do it. The pleasure toy pols do whatever corporations want to get the money. Now the jacka** wackhead tells Corporations (the johns with the big bucks) "no more play for pay"?What is he nuts? less
If Navalny dies MILLIONS of Russians will march in protest. Will they RIOT and INSURRECT? I do not know. I do know that I have read that MILLIONS of Russians consider Navalny to be... moreIf Navalny dies MILLIONS of Russians will march in protest. Will they RIOT and INSURRECT? I do not know. I do know that I have read that MILLIONS of Russians consider Navalny to be a HERO.What's putrid gonna do? Your guess? Shoot everyone who marches in protest DEAD?Dictator despots are mentally wacked. They do the must stupid dumb things. Let's see if putrid will follow suit.