He pardoned the ones who could sink his a** because they had the goods on him. With one stupid dumb exception on his part.Michael Cohen. He didn't think Michael would ever roll ove... moreHe pardoned the ones who could sink his a** because they had the goods on him. With one stupid dumb exception on his part.Michael Cohen. He didn't think Michael would ever roll over no matter how badly FOOTOO treated him. WRONG AGAIN!Elsewise otherwise he pardoned the Roger Stones et al.He was also stupid dumb for not "pardoning" in advance his CFO. The guy who knows where all the skeletons are buried. Alan Weisselburg.Now the FOOTOO gets to roast slowly in his own juices. That's what happens to the arrogant who believe they are smarter than everyone and can outthink everyone.Just desserts. Tasty! less
Matt Pedophile also ALLEGEDLY wanted that pardon to inlucde other pols! Didja know that too?FOOTOO refused despite the fact that Matt Pedophile was an a**kisser for a very long time.
All all "realities" equally valid?Just as the words in a book exist only in the head of the author till written down.Or a cartoon strip exists only in the head of the cartoonist ti... moreAll all "realities" equally valid?Just as the words in a book exist only in the head of the author till written down.Or a cartoon strip exists only in the head of the cartoonist till transferred to paper.We all carry within us potential realities. What is it that causes us to take a specific path? We don't even know where we're going save that we all have the same end station we call death. Is getting there always in our control or are we being controlled and just don't know it?
They also believe FOOTOO is the president of the confederate states of america but got gypped out of the oval office by a massive worldwide global conspiracy led by hundreds of mil... moreThey also believe FOOTOO is the president of the confederate states of america but got gypped out of the oval office by a massive worldwide global conspiracy led by hundreds of millions of people. Maybe even billions.Stupid dumb as they come.
FLYING DOWN TO RIO...193322 girls strapped to planes that were airborn over Rio! Didja see it?First pairing of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.Pretty wacky.
There is a something called BUdget Reconciliation where you can get something done despite the sabotagedindifference seasoned with fascist racist hate which FOOTOO Republican pols ... moreThere is a something called BUdget Reconciliation where you can get something done despite the sabotagedindifference seasoned with fascist racist hate which FOOTOO Republican pols are noted for. So be it.Biden's poll numbers are high. THE PUBLIC is pro what he is doing IN SPITE OF THE REPUBLICANS FOR WHOM THEY VOTED TO REPRESENT THEM doing not a dam* thing to help them! Good job guys. Way good. :(!Only in America. No other country is as bad a** and screwy. WAY TA GO!
Because if they do FOOTOO will make sure they lose at the polls. They are all TERRIFIED of FOOTOO and so they DARE NOT DO anything to displease him.Anything that helps the people a... moreBecause if they do FOOTOO will make sure they lose at the polls. They are all TERRIFIED of FOOTOO and so they DARE NOT DO anything to displease him.Anything that helps the people and the country while Joe Biden is President will MAJORLY PISS OFF FOOTOO. THEY ALL KNOW IT.Do you?
BRAGGING about the money going to the constituents in their states AS IF THEY HAD VOTED FOR IT?Crappacola once again. From a FOOTOO Republican. Imagine that? Taking credit fo... moreBRAGGING about the money going to the constituents in their states AS IF THEY HAD VOTED FOR IT?Crappacola once again. From a FOOTOO Republican. Imagine that? Taking credit for what they were AGAINST to the last sap among them?Naw. No one is that much if a crapshoot craven brazen crockpot crackpot nutjob..