POLITICS of course.That's where the SADISTS legislate harm to the millions of willing masochists. That affects everyone including those who not remotely masochistic.Fair? Of course... morePOLITICS of course.That's where the SADISTS legislate harm to the millions of willing masochists. That affects everyone including those who not remotely masochistic.Fair? Of course not! Who told you that life was fair?HOST/PARASITESometimes they take turns. Being fed off of and feeding off of.
Case in PointSADISTIC FOOTOOMASOCHISTS who adore the guy
The more he kicks them and humiliates them and lies to them and cheats them they more better they love him. GO FIGGER!
Betcha all the sheeple he sheared still adore the crap outta him. What can ya do? They are meant to be sheep. No doubt about it. Someone had to shear them. Why not the TOP DAWG SHEARER?
red state bugner gubners.FOOTOO insurrectionistsHATE groupQANONOathkeepersProud BoysMilitiasSkinheadsRacsitsFascistsNazi "amurricans"KKKFOOTOO polsAlmost complete. How will YOU cel... morered state bugner gubners.FOOTOO insurrectionistsHATE groupQANONOathkeepersProud BoysMilitiasSkinheadsRacsitsFascistsNazi "amurricans"KKKFOOTOO polsAlmost complete. How will YOU celebrate on the day democracy in the United States of America is dead? Booze it up? Sex it up? Pig out and eat till you pass out? Kill everyone you see not wearing a FOOTOO ROCKS hat?How do you celebrate your victories?
Homo saps spend a lot more money time and effort on their packaging then they do on their content.Which is why the species is so disappointing.If they could do better they would ha... moreHomo saps spend a lot more money time and effort on their packaging then they do on their content.Which is why the species is so disappointing.If they could do better they would have done better but they can't do better which is why we are in the gawdawful mess we are in.Any chance any time anyone will reverse that obsession and start working on what matters?
Intellect. Accomplishments. Experience. Unknown for a child. Flexible for a teen. Known for an adult who has left a track record.Which murder is most grievous? A child, a teen, an ... moreIntellect. Accomplishments. Experience. Unknown for a child. Flexible for a teen. Known for an adult who has left a track record.Which murder is most grievous? A child, a teen, an adult, an old person?Which loss is greater or greatest?Which murder is least reprehensible unforgivable?
"Every day in every way I am getting better and better."True Confession. When I got the cancer and got the operation and survived the six months of chemo and radiation and baldness... more"Every day in every way I am getting better and better."True Confession. When I got the cancer and got the operation and survived the six months of chemo and radiation and baldness every night before I fell asleep I'd say "every day in every way I am getting better and better". I KID YOU NOT! It was comforting and it made me feel as if I were participating in my survival. I figured "what could it hurt?" Now did it help physcally to beat the cancer? I have no way of knowing that. But what could it hurt to be optimistic and hopeful?Even today now and then when things seems kinda tough I say those words. Every day in every way I am getting better and better.Any of you out there do that too? Might you futurely? less
I'm pretty sure I'd be terrified. I have no sense of direction in my own country and I speak the language fluently. Abroad? Well movies or travelogues are as close as I want to get... moreI'm pretty sure I'd be terrified. I have no sense of direction in my own country and I speak the language fluently. Abroad? Well movies or travelogues are as close as I want to get on my own alone in the comfort of my home. Some folks are so INTREPID and brave. Some like me are not. I wonder why?