".....preserve protect defend The Constitution of the United States"Other than himself what did FOOTOO ever PRESERVE PROTECT DEFEND?Vows oaths pledges are all window dressing with ... more".....preserve protect defend The Constitution of the United States"Other than himself what did FOOTOO ever PRESERVE PROTECT DEFEND?Vows oaths pledges are all window dressing with no meaning at all. Why pretend otherwise> Who is fooling whom and why?Well intentioned badly executed.Like New Year's Resolutions. Just stop making them. Be done with it.
"On my honor I will never betray my integrity my character or the public trust. I will treat all individuals with dignity and respect and insure that my actions are dedicated to&nb... more"On my honor I will never betray my integrity my character or the public trust. I will treat all individuals with dignity and respect and insure that my actions are dedicated to ensuring the safety of my community and the preservation of human life. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always maintain the highest ethical standards and uphold the values of the community and the agency I serve."Comments?
Because promising ALWAYS is never in your control. You are well-intentioned to be sure but the road to HE** is paved with good intentions.Same with NEVER. You say "I wi... moreBecause promising ALWAYS is never in your control. You are well-intentioned to be sure but the road to HE** is paved with good intentions.Same with NEVER. You say "I will NEVER lie to you". Then you do. Oops did you forget? You promised NEVER and then you lied. Why? To cover your butt for doing what you wanted to do no matter what.So while ALWAYS and NEVER are so noble and heroic they really are meaningless in the real world.Unless you can always control what you encounter in life and always know how it will end there is no way you can ALWAYS or NEVER with absolute assurance you will keep your word. less
Next lifetime he comes back and is the guy on the ground dying with a cop knee on HIS neck. All it takes is patience. And belief in universal JUSTICE. Do you?
Do all FOOTOO adoring worshippers believe that version because FOOTOO always truthtells and never lies?74 million believers who saw nothing wrong on January 6?Seriously.
FOOTOO touted the benefits of chloroquine vis a vis COVID 19. More than once.Gary Lenius, 68, died March 22, 2020 after he drank FISH TANK CLEANER listing Chloroquine phosphate as ... moreFOOTOO touted the benefits of chloroquine vis a vis COVID 19. More than once.Gary Lenius, 68, died March 22, 2020 after he drank FISH TANK CLEANER listing Chloroquine phosphate as an ingredient. Thinking it would protect him.His wife drank it too but she survived to tell about it.Now how many other stupid dumbs done done that too and didn't die?Proof that the FOOTOO adoring worshippers are not the sharpest knives in the drawer and are dealer with a short deck.Then you have January 6.
Of course the only way red states can win is to RESTRICT the voters they know will NEVER vote for them. CHEAT TO WIN is their ANTHEM.But Blue States restricting? Why what where?
Seems to me the guns folks are more often the murderers and the non guns far less so.Of course I could be wrong. Often am.A gun can murder from a distance so it's a perfect pacifie... moreSeems to me the guns folks are more often the murderers and the non guns far less so.Of course I could be wrong. Often am.A gun can murder from a distance so it's a perfect pacifier for the frightened follks who are apparently terrified of their shadows 24/7..Those who are not gun people are less afraid I expect. They also value life more and thereforewould be less willing to take lives.Do I KNOW that for fact? No I don't. But I have my suspicions.