"I'm really pissed off that I got outed but yes I did it! I said it! So what?"Isn't that what they think/how they feel?HONESTY for once? Geez what a novel concept that is.
Did GOD create himself or did something else?The Bible puts creation around 4004 B.C. Since GOD is omnipresent omnipotent and omnicient doesn't that mean HE ALWAYS WAS and NEVER WA... moreDid GOD create himself or did something else?The Bible puts creation around 4004 B.C. Since GOD is omnipresent omnipotent and omnicient doesn't that mean HE ALWAYS WAS and NEVER WASN'T? HE predated the bible did HE not or is everything absent and then magically there 4004B.C.?Is GOD limited to the timeframe of the bible? Is that all HE is? What is stated therein written by dozens of different men over many decades?Seriously?So nothing existed before the bible including GOD. I find that impossible to believe. You? less
Physicists tell us the universe is billions of years old. Archaeologists date things back hundreds of thousands of years.The Bible, King James Version, has creation set about 4004 ... morePhysicists tell us the universe is billions of years old. Archaeologists date things back hundreds of thousands of years.The Bible, King James Version, has creation set about 4004 B.C.You can see the problem here. Reconciliation between the two is impossible to do.The religious community poohpoohs everything. If it's not in the Bible it isn't true. Funny. Many of them say the same thing about FOOTOO. If he says it it's true. If he doesn't it isn't. But I digress.That is why Science is mocked and rejected by so many Christians. Only the Bible and nothing else will show you the way. Now that is true for Christians. What about those with other beliefs including not believing in any supreme being?Who is right? Who isn't? A dichotomy to be resolved? How? less
I think there are some or maybe many people like that. Living a lie to get by. Living a lie to belong. Living a lie so they won't have to travel the path of life alone.How healthy is that?
A very curious guy. Massively inventive. Also I gather massively mad. Do the two often go together? Must you be a bit mad to think about things no one else does or can? I don't kno... moreA very curious guy. Massively inventive. Also I gather massively mad. Do the two often go together? Must you be a bit mad to think about things no one else does or can? I don't know. I'm not a genius or an inventor and not suffering as I think he did. I cannot really relate to him. But I am in awe of him.The first time anyone ever told me about Tesla? My first husband was an electrician. That was in 1958. He told me that Tesla was the REAL genius not Edison. At the time it had no meaning for me. It does now. Odd what we remember. less