By then all the governors in all the red states will have enacted VOTING RIGHTS STRICT LAWS cutting off access to voting for anyone not a FOOTOO a**kisser.Done deal. No brainer.
They say it is morally compromised because it uses abortion-derived cell lines.ALL VACCINES involve the use of HEK 293 cells. The Vatican said it was morally acceptable to use thos... moreThey say it is morally compromised because it uses abortion-derived cell lines.ALL VACCINES involve the use of HEK 293 cells. The Vatican said it was morally acceptable to use those vaccines that SAVE LIVES.So you have a choice. Take your chances and don't get vaccined. Get vaccined and burn in he**. Your choice.
The FOOTOO white right extremist violent domestic terrorists as represented by all the hate groups who showed up on January 6 at his command and "acted up" because he told them to ... moreThe FOOTOO white right extremist violent domestic terrorists as represented by all the hate groups who showed up on January 6 at his command and "acted up" because he told them to and they did.Thems the only ones he wants to vote. He needs to be assured that no one else will ever vote who won't vote for the golden jacka** aka FOOTOO. There were 74 million of them in 2020. That's bunches lots loads tons.Think the Supremes will give him what he wants with all his heart? They are taking up a case involving the VOTING RIGHTS ACT which they priorly gutted. They could extinct it entirely. Wait and see.Ya don't like it? Tough bananas. Go back to where you came from. less
From before DAY one to even now that is precisely what the powers that be and the adoring worshippers intended to do. Rid us of that pesky thing. Democracy! Gone. They developed a ... moreFrom before DAY one to even now that is precisely what the powers that be and the adoring worshippers intended to do. Rid us of that pesky thing. Democracy! Gone. They developed a weapon to destroy it forever. It's called the FOOTOO. The entire GOP lives by it drinks it breathes it and eats it.
Allegedly is was MOSTLY SAUDIS who caused the attack. But George w often was shown holding hands with the leader then. We know jared the k and the crown prince were pals buds TIGHT.Now?
If you can find the actual interior of a human being and survive the dumpster dive you're lucky.ALL PEOPLE?No. Of course not. There is nothing true about ALL of anything. But most ... moreIf you can find the actual interior of a human being and survive the dumpster dive you're lucky.ALL PEOPLE?No. Of course not. There is nothing true about ALL of anything. But most people? Yip.Coating covering shielding masking protecting padding.That's how most people are these days. One day maybe they will start shedding the crap they envelope themselves in. Maybe not.
For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That those who believeth in HIM shall have everlasting life. What does one thing have to do with the other? Couldn't ... moreFor GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That those who believeth in HIM shall have everlasting life. What does one thing have to do with the other? Couldn't people believe in GOD without HIS having to allow HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN son to be murdered in the most painful way? Was it a quid pro quo?.Jesus died for our sins and gave us salvation.What good did it do?We are sinning at accelerated rates and salvation is the last thing on the minds of the evil the power hungry the money hungry greedy SOB'S and HOORS.GOD's intentions? A one-time only sacrifice to save the world HE created? To rescue it from oblivion? To make it right so it could get back on a "right" track?Clearly HE failed. There are many more people so there are many more sinners now than there ever were. Does GOD do it again? "BEGET" a child HE sacrifices to redeem sinners and give them salvation AGAIN?How does any of that make any sense?Would you sacrifice your child to save strangers who committed foul acts of depraved indifference?... less
29 year old Brittany Gosney tried to abandon her 6-year old son James Robert Hutchenson at a local park. As he tried to get back in the car she sped off dragging his body along the... more29 year old Brittany Gosney tried to abandon her 6-year old son James Robert Hutchenson at a local park. As he tried to get back in the car she sped off dragging his body along the road. And then took the lifeless body home and put it on an upstairs bed. The next day she dumped his body in the Ohio River.She has two other children who were in the car at the time. She also planned to abandon them. She lost custody of a 4th child priorly. She confessed to the murder showing no remorse.If you read this I tried to warn you.How many "mothers" are there out there like this? less
The pendulum swung and it doesn't seem to be swinging back. It seems to be stuck on the extreme right fascist violent domestic terrorist mode. Can that pendulum be repaired so it w... moreThe pendulum swung and it doesn't seem to be swinging back. It seems to be stuck on the extreme right fascist violent domestic terrorist mode. Can that pendulum be repaired so it will swing back again to decency honor integrity truth? I dunno. Doesn't look good.