The roadrunnerL'il AbnerPogoCasper the friendly ghostYou know how when you have to give a speech in front of a crowd you are told to picture them naked?Well picture pols as cartoon... moreThe roadrunnerL'il AbnerPogoCasper the friendly ghostYou know how when you have to give a speech in front of a crowd you are told to picture them naked?Well picture pols as cartoons. Take the bite out of 'em. Don't take them seriously. Make fun of them. Poke around at them. What could it hurt?SupermanSpider manWonder womanGODZILLA
America is a COUNTRY OF IMMIGRANTS. The Statue of Liberty should give you a CLUE.So white supremacists and your leaders leave here and go find your paradise. All white all right al... moreAmerica is a COUNTRY OF IMMIGRANTS. The Statue of Liberty should give you a CLUE.So white supremacists and your leaders leave here and go find your paradise. All white all right alright?Maybe south africa won't mind going reactionary and becoming again APARTHEID.FOOTOO asked about buying Greenland.Why don't he ask about buiying SOUTH AFRICA and converting to his paradise enow? Couldn't hurt to ask bucko. What could it hurt?
Once a year virus vaccine just as we get once a year flu vaccine.Worst case is more likely it seems to me with the various variants exploding constantly.But best case is a possibil... moreOnce a year virus vaccine just as we get once a year flu vaccine.Worst case is more likely it seems to me with the various variants exploding constantly.But best case is a possibility so we cannot ignore it.
The weather is having its way with us dramatically and drastically dnagerously.Are all the wheels of society coming off at once?We temporarily survived a FOOTOO FOOL attempt at ove... moreThe weather is having its way with us dramatically and drastically dnagerously.Are all the wheels of society coming off at once?We temporarily survived a FOOTOO FOOL attempt at overthrowing our government.The FOOTOO FOOL and his adoring worshippings are still at it. STILL SPREADING LIES.What else do we need to perish? What else will be thrown at us that we will have overcome? Any liferafts out there or only anchors?
Too cheap?Too stupid?Texans don't like regulations.Well good for them. Now they are suffering for ignoring what could have prevented all of this.Good for them. Good for them. Good ... moreToo cheap?Too stupid?Texans don't like regulations.Well good for them. Now they are suffering for ignoring what could have prevented all of this.Good for them. Good for them. Good for them. No lousy anyone is gonna TELL THEM WHAT TO DO.
Republican Texas gubnurr first blamed the power failure on the "green new deal".Then subsequent to that he blamed the power failure on the fact that the equipment wasn't ready to h... moreRepublican Texas gubnurr first blamed the power failure on the "green new deal".Then subsequent to that he blamed the power failure on the fact that the equipment wasn't ready to handlesuch a massive weather onslaught.Real reason? Equipment had not been updated to handle it. Allegedly.Truth eventually is always found out.Making all liars dam* fools and ludicrously absurd spokesfolks/spokesmouths. Better they just shut up.
Said that Adam was a TRAITOR and that GOD was very disappointed in him. For doing what?For following his conscience and doing the right thing and not rolling over and begging whimp... moreSaid that Adam was a TRAITOR and that GOD was very disappointed in him. For doing what?For following his conscience and doing the right thing and not rolling over and begging whimpering playing dead for FOOTOO.Is YOUR GOD that same GOD? Being ANTI conscience and ANTI doing what you believe to be the "right" thing?Do you think it is a treason when you do and that GOD will be very "disappointed" in you?First of all who the he** is she that she thinks she knows what GOD thinks or will be or will do? Does she have a pipeline to him? Does GOD confer with her? Or is she just another tinfoil hat wearing old dingbat who doesn't know her a** from a hole in the ground spouting off nonsense gibberish and blithering blathering crap? Anyone? less