The LIFE of a person to whom installing a specific person in office is worth MURDERING for and dying for.Can you imagine anything more PATHETIC than that? I can't.
Of course you can go home again but it will never be the same place you left. It may not have changed at all but you have. Things look smaller than you remember. Not nearly so gran... moreOf course you can go home again but it will never be the same place you left. It may not have changed at all but you have. Things look smaller than you remember. Not nearly so grand and imposing.What are you looking for when you return if you do? A piece of yourself you miss?
OORT CLOUDA giant spherical layer of icy objects surrounding the rest of our solar systemKUIPER BELTA donut-shaped ring of icy objects around the sun. Pluto is a Kuiper Belt object... moreOORT CLOUDA giant spherical layer of icy objects surrounding the rest of our solar systemKUIPER BELTA donut-shaped ring of icy objects around the sun. Pluto is a Kuiper Belt object.Comets originate from there apparently.Now here's something astonishing to me.Comet C/2013A1 Siding Spring passed by Mars in 2014 and won't return to the inner solar system for 740,000 years! Now HOW DO "they" KNOW THAT? How can "they" possibly KNOW that?
Here's what that means to me. If something is working for me I do not go out and about trying to find a replacement that is "new and improved". I just don't. I don't need all the s... moreHere's what that means to me. If something is working for me I do not go out and about trying to find a replacement that is "new and improved". I just don't. I don't need all the state-of-the-art bells and whistles and fake adornment. I only want it to do what I need it to do and nothing more. Terrible me or terrible you too?
He gave them a goal a purpose a TARGET for their great hate. He harnessed it and became most powerful.The sideshow freaks found a champion in him.He embraced them. FOOTOO that's who.
They didn't even try to lipstick that pig. Know why? They came in with what they had. That's what you get when you scrape the bottom of the barrel. Blithering idiots who talked abo... moreThey didn't even try to lipstick that pig. Know why? They came in with what they had. That's what you get when you scrape the bottom of the barrel. Blithering idiots who talked about CALVARY and INCITEMENT TO RESURRECTION. If that didn't getcha nothing would.Yet the conclusion is foregone. The FOOTOO slavish GOP Senators are resolute in their determination to let him off the hook for the SECOND TIME. Even though many of them experienced being hunted by the crazed FOOTOO violent dometic terrorists. They shrug off that Mike Pence could have been hung...THEIR OWN GUY FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD. No problem with having Nancy Prelosi be hung for them. They have no dog in that fight. Didn't even matter at all. They will not convict FOOTOO no matter what he do no matter what he say no matter what. Why? They are all whinya** TERRIFIED of FOOTOO and the FOOTOO voters. Above all else they want to preserve their way of life putting self interest over oath of office and country and Constitution. They are no better than FOOTOO. SELFI... less
Officer Sicknick died from injuries battling the crazed hatemonger mob.First report"Officer Sicknick was struck in the head by a fire extinguisher during the riots and died from hi... moreOfficer Sicknick died from injuries battling the crazed hatemonger mob.First report"Officer Sicknick was struck in the head by a fire extinguisher during the riots and died from his injuries the next day."Subsequently it has been reported that they really don't KNOW what he died from. Today is FEBRUARY 13, 2021. He died over a month ago and to date we still do not KNOW the cause of death? Bullsh** isn't it? How long does an autopsy take to perform? What is going on that is being hidden from us? All kinds of theories are being tossed about. Bear spray being one of them. He died fighting insurrectionists and they are not certain if the cause of death was a HOMICIDE? Seriously folks do you buy that crap? The FOOTOO adoring worshipers are wanting it be due to some defect in him. To absolve the crazed hatemongers of any responsibiliity?I CAHN'T STEND IT! less