Occasionally a NOBEL LITERATURE PRIZE is awarded to a JOURNALIST.Are Nobel prizes fake too?Where is your head at about this? Notice I didn't say brain.
If he were smart enough he would have resigned and have the then-toady sycophant mike pence pardon him. But as usual the stupid dumb TRAITOR DON BLEW IT!Too soon oldToo late schmar... moreIf he were smart enough he would have resigned and have the then-toady sycophant mike pence pardon him. But as usual the stupid dumb TRAITOR DON BLEW IT!Too soon oldToo late schmart...except he ain't. He is as dumb now as he was when ran for prez.INCAPABLE of l.earning anythingINCURIOUSINDIFFERENTDISINTERESTEDALOOFCOLDCRUELVINDICTIVESELFISHJEALOUSEverything you ever wanted in a president.
That's what I heard. A built-in cheering section who adore the crap outta him. I don't know what it costs to be membership up but ya ain't poor...that's fer sure.He will spend his ... moreThat's what I heard. A built-in cheering section who adore the crap outta him. I don't know what it costs to be membership up but ya ain't poor...that's fer sure.He will spend his dying days enjoying the hazy craze of his lies. They will all suport those lies and tell him how he got screwed unglued chewed up and spit. Every day in every way they support his lies until his demise.What more could he ask for?
Who anointed them GOD? TRAITOR DON in full apprecation of their devotional attachment to him?Whaddabout all the other hate groups who adore TRAITOR DON?Are they gonna take it? QANO... moreWho anointed them GOD? TRAITOR DON in full apprecation of their devotional attachment to him?Whaddabout all the other hate groups who adore TRAITOR DON?Are they gonna take it? QANONS and newbies. Wet behind the ears. Tyros. Beginners. Who the he** do they thinkt they are? How do they get leading the onslaught carnage planned for Wednesday? With full approval of TRAITOR DON who will looking from afar cowering behind the skirts of the wimmen in his life?Sheesh.This is the way the world endsThis is the way the world endsThis is the was the world endsNOT WITH A BANG WITH A WHIMPERTHe simpering wimpering TRAITOR DON is hoping for what? More MURDERS on his behalf to defend his rejection by the people? They plan to murder 7 million people? The margin by which Joe won and TRAITOR DON lost?Oh boy. How fun. Make your popcorn. Stay tuned. What could it hurt? What could possibly go wrong? less
Mitch McConnell may well be leaning toward a CONVICTION in the Senate this time. He has been don with TRAITOR DON for "quite some time".What will TRAITOR DON do in revenge? Take ou... moreMitch McConnell may well be leaning toward a CONVICTION in the Senate this time. He has been don with TRAITOR DON for "quite some time".What will TRAITOR DON do in revenge? Take out a contract on mitch of course. What else what mafia don do?
He would LOVE to infect everyone who doesn't a**kiss him before he slinks away in DISGRACE with his special TRAITOR DON COVID 19 BRAND virus. He wants to brand all of us who disado... moreHe would LOVE to infect everyone who doesn't a**kiss him before he slinks away in DISGRACE with his special TRAITOR DON COVID 19 BRAND virus. He wants to brand all of us who disadore disapparove diss despise him. EVERY SINGLE ONE.That would lift him to HE**..or down.He would end his shameful term REJOICING at how many of us he caused to die. This I KNOW Because of all the vile villains ever borne he gets the gold star.
A bloodlust enjoyer. A vicarious thrill seeker who enjoys the enormous pain and suffering he can inflict on others?What manner of monstrous abomination is he?
To me SEVERE means DEADLY. ANAPHYLAXIS maybe which can be deadly.I know. My son suffers from ANAPHYLAXIS and ALWAYS carries an Epi pen with him wherever he goes.I don't know if the... moreTo me SEVERE means DEADLY. ANAPHYLAXIS maybe which can be deadly.I know. My son suffers from ANAPHYLAXIS and ALWAYS carries an Epi pen with him wherever he goes.I don't know if the SEVERE reactions were due to anaphylaxis. I do know that SEVERE is not good in even 1.100 mild reactions is ok. Mild doesn't do permanent harm. 25 Medium reactions? I dunno. Marginally iffy.BUT EVEN ONE SEVERE REACTION is terrible and there were SIX! I wouldn't want to get the Moderna vaccine. Would you?
Is it 50/50?You hope but you dread what the treasonour traitorous insurrectionists led by TRAITOR DON have planned?We already know some insiders colluded with them.What do we know ... moreIs it 50/50?You hope but you dread what the treasonour traitorous insurrectionists led by TRAITOR DON have planned?We already know some insiders colluded with them.What do we know about the protection planned for Joe and Kamala? HOW SAFE are they really?I hope 100%I dread from now on.Things may go very well for now. What about later? What about after? That's the dread. That's a lot longer than the inauguration.
President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris.Screw the "elect". Joe has been the only president we've had for weeks as the petulant enraged crackpot TRAITOR DON abdicated h... morePresident Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris.Screw the "elect". Joe has been the only president we've had for weeks as the petulant enraged crackpot TRAITOR DON abdicated his job as president out of rage. He is and was and always will be a third rate third string lounge act.He was NEVER suited for the MAIN ROOM. Too BOORISH to book there. He played to the drug addicts and drunks and mental defects. They didn't know the difference. He will continue to play to them. They are all he ever had or will have. less
ELITE Society is polite and is aware of of rude boors who want to break in and never will.That extends to every member of the family. And kids. And grandkids.RUDE BOORS. RUDE BOORS... moreELITE Society is polite and is aware of of rude boors who want to break in and never will.That extends to every member of the family. And kids. And grandkids.RUDE BOORS. RUDE BOORS. RUDE BOORS. Melania is as rude a boor as is TRAITOR DON. RUDE BOORETTE?