They ignore reject mock ridicule.That is also NOT YOUR FAULT.You can only do what you can do and nothing more. It is all on THEM what happens thereafter. We adults are all responsi... moreThey ignore reject mock ridicule.That is also NOT YOUR FAULT.You can only do what you can do and nothing more. It is all on THEM what happens thereafter. We adults are all responsible entirely for ourselves. To whom we listen or whom we blieve or whom we despise or adore. ALL ON US. Not your fault.
Yep. His plan is to let herd mentality immunity take place by exposing everyone everywhere to the virus. Get them all infected. Millions will get ill and maybe millions will die bu... moreYep. His plan is to let herd mentality immunity take place by exposing everyone everywhere to the virus. Get them all infected. Millions will get ill and maybe millions will die but so what? That way whoever survives will have immunity for FOUR MONTHS. Swell plan.All the attendees show up maskless and stand butt to butt to butt cheering the duck spitting as they cheer sharing the virus among one another. Then go home and take the virus with infecting their families.It's all a master plan hatched by a photographer and embraced by a dumb cluck duck.Amazing! less
Jim is the PERFECTIONIST and I'm the not and we have been together fro 23 years and will continue on till death do us part.How is it workin' for us? Well he complains and kvetches ... moreJim is the PERFECTIONIST and I'm the not and we have been together fro 23 years and will continue on till death do us part.How is it workin' for us? Well he complains and kvetches and I listen. Sometimes I rebut but most often I just listen and say "yes dear". I'm happier/more content than he is because I just don't notice the stuff he gets upset about.I know he adjusts to my peculiarities too. We have no choice. We love each other.How y'all doing? Any of you live with a PERFECTIONIST too?
It is quite likely that the dumb cluck duck WAS infectious during the first "debate" but said nothing to anyone. We know he lies all the time and we cannot believe anything he says... moreIt is quite likely that the dumb cluck duck WAS infectious during the first "debate" but said nothing to anyone. We know he lies all the time and we cannot believe anything he says. Dr. Fauci should monitor the test because no one else is credible.Fair demand. Joe doesn't want to be infected. He likes life. Go figger! :)
The dumb cluck duck never was dumber or cluckier. Stupid dumb flows from what he uses as a "brain" and stay out there in mid-air begging for an interpreter.I LOVED it. Afterwards i... moreThe dumb cluck duck never was dumber or cluckier. Stupid dumb flows from what he uses as a "brain" and stay out there in mid-air begging for an interpreter.I LOVED it. Afterwards it was run side by side taking turns. The confrontational insane dumb cluck duck versus a viable STABLE candidate.The dumb cluck duck did his usual buck and wing and LYING about everything. He was in rare typical standard ordinary form. Shot his mouth of with ever once engaging his so-called brain.Let's have these side by sides every day till election. The dumb cluck duck gets more and more what he is. Old decrepit inane insane. less
I see now that government is there to enrich its members, pillage rape steal whatever it can at the expense of the people. The people are expendable. The powerful are the movers an... moreI see now that government is there to enrich its members, pillage rape steal whatever it can at the expense of the people. The people are expendable. The powerful are the movers and shakers and always put themselves first in everything. NO EXCEPTIONS. Some governments are MORE EVIL than others. Sad.
Because back in the day they were involved in MAJORLY CORRUPT goings on. That is the line I have read justifying his actions and giving implied ATTA BOY ATTA BOY ATTA BOY. So while... moreBecause back in the day they were involved in MAJORLY CORRUPT goings on. That is the line I have read justifying his actions and giving implied ATTA BOY ATTA BOY ATTA BOY. So while the world is falling apart and a virus taking thousands upon thousands of lives the powers that be SHOULD be spending time investigating what happened in the past so they put the clintons where they prison. Meanwhile the dumb cluck duck who is vile evil venal criminal corrupt and insane goes on his merry way with accolades? SERIOUSLY? less