You say you are collecting the money for widows and orphans of dead servicemen or dead cops and you spend it on your taxes, your lawyers, you monthly bills.Unethical. Immoral. Sure.ILLEGAL?
Turns out the family of the bad thing doer/sayer is being held hostqges by murderous thugs at some undisclosed location and if the bad doer/sayer doesn't follow orders the loved on... moreTurns out the family of the bad thing doer/sayer is being held hostqges by murderous thugs at some undisclosed location and if the bad doer/sayer doesn't follow orders the loved ones will be killed.Well now. Could that be the case for some partisan political spokesmouths? If they don't obey their loved ones will be tortured/murdered/dismembered?WHAT WOULD YOU DO/SAY? WHAT WOULDN'T YOU DO/SAY? To save the lives of your loved ones?
I did. It was in front of our house and it lasted a few hours of one day during a summer. My mom made it and I sold it! Do kids do things like that still?
Yep. The DELTA VARIANT is more dangerous with SIGNIFICANT increases in side effects.They gambled that they'd not get infected. They lost. They could also die. Oh well.
Effective January 1, 2022 more space for breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens and veal calves must be provided.So providers of same have until then to change whatever needs changing.... moreEffective January 1, 2022 more space for breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens and veal calves must be provided.So providers of same have until then to change whatever needs changing. If they don't or can't the supply of pigs will shrink bigly.Just so ya know. I guess you can buy tons of pork stuff now and freeze them. Just in case.