So they can experience FIRST HAND what they lied about, denied, did nothing to mitigate it.How is that NOT fair?The Mssouri gubner and wife got it and are now quarantined. A red st... moreSo they can experience FIRST HAND what they lied about, denied, did nothing to mitigate it.How is that NOT fair?The Mssouri gubner and wife got it and are now quarantined. A red state stupid dumb "head" did nothing to issue mask guidance. See what happens when a blathering idiot is in charge?Now we hope and pray that the demented duck gets it..bigly badly and the worst kind. So shoot me!
He is used to a controlled crowd of adoring worshipperes or FAUX news softball "so called journalists". He never sets himself up to have to face real people. Only HIS people.As for... moreHe is used to a controlled crowd of adoring worshipperes or FAUX news softball "so called journalists". He never sets himself up to have to face real people. Only HIS people.As for paying his respects to RBG HE INSULTS HER AND MOCKS HER AND ATTACKS HER by not honoring her request. He can't even wait until after she is BURIED to dishonor her.Whom does he think he is kidding? We are not his adoring worshippers. We do not want him anywhere we are. He dishonors every place he goes.Thickheaded dumbbell that he is.VOTE HIM OUT VOTE HIM OUT VOTE HIM OUT VOTE HIM OUT VOTE HIM OUT less
"We don't know if it will work or is safe"What an expert is saying about all the vaccines being developed.WE DON'T KNOW IF IT WILL WORK OR IS SAFE"Does the demented duck UNDERSTAND that?
DonaldHueyDewey LouieDaffyMcScrooge Duck a L'orangePressed duckDuck/goose pateDucking dodge ballsDuck under glass like a pheasant only notDuck and coverDucking outDucking work
He refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power if that is what the people want...not him but Joe Biden?So there yar.Demented Duck hasn't changed a feather since 2016. He is... moreHe refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power if that is what the people want...not him but Joe Biden?So there yar.Demented Duck hasn't changed a feather since 2016. He is the same color horse he was in 2016. Well maybe more orangy.Why would anyone expect anything else?I wish I could see what is to be.On there hand where there is ignorance there is can be hope
Will he carry out the will of the duck or will he be his own man since the duck will no longer be able to hurt him and shape the presidency around the pence honor morality integrit... moreWill he carry out the will of the duck or will he be his own man since the duck will no longer be able to hurt him and shape the presidency around the pence honor morality integrity personality?If so how will things change? Will he still be the monomaniacal conceited know-it-all pompous a** that the duck will always be or will pence simmer down and become somewhat more human? Whatcha think? Wouldja rather have a pence or a duck as your prez? Why?
He only serves his own ilk his own kind...those who vote for him. No one else exists except to insult attack demean denigrate malign and lie about. They serve an excellent purpose ... moreHe only serves his own ilk his own kind...those who vote for him. No one else exists except to insult attack demean denigrate malign and lie about. They serve an excellent purpose since he is nothing without targets to vilify. Nothing. A meatburger with no spice.Life for him is way so simple. Simpleminded one cell sap. That's him in a nutshell..NUTshell is an advised term. He is a nut and attracts nuts and protects nuts. They are his most important allies. All nuts everywhere no matter what kind...pea wal mac bra pec alm pin cas. Any nut any size any age. less