Any former Republicans who didn't roll over for the Demented Duck was attacked insulted vilified excoriated crushed.The Demented Duck cannot live with being corrected criticized or... moreAny former Republicans who didn't roll over for the Demented Duck was attacked insulted vilified excoriated crushed.The Demented Duck cannot live with being corrected criticized or told what he said is a LIE so he boots everyone out who dares tell him that and what is left? His adoring worshippers and toady sycophants all of whom are TERRIFIED of him. It is hilarious and bizarre and peculiar and queer but the overriding terrification we face is that the demented duck will prevail forever after and always because the guard rails disappeared and what is left of his adoring mob is dreck.Doesn't look too good does it? less
Well that explains the complete lack of curiosity of mobs and throngs and groups. They never ever QUESTION the dear leader. They never ever ask 'WHY"? They are born to just obey ac... moreWell that explains the complete lack of curiosity of mobs and throngs and groups. They never ever QUESTION the dear leader. They never ever ask 'WHY"? They are born to just obey accept obey accept obey accept.How intelligent then are any of them if they never ever ask WHY? Incurious obedient devoted loyal.That is how despot dictators gain power. Also the never ask why homo saps are terribly afraid. Terrified. Horrified. Scared. Of what? Of "the other" whatever form "the other" is that the dear leader shoved up their butts and down their throats.They believe everything the dear leader says. No exceptions. He knows they dare not ever even think to question him thus assuring his power over them.And so it goes. The great unwashed incurious roll on and on and on.The rest of the world suffers because of it. And them.We are doomed if we do not figure out a way to fight. They propagate like maggots and instill in their progeny more of what they be. Don't question. Obey. Don't question. Obey. Don't question. Obey. Oy vey... less
Because they are NONSENSICAL and PARTISAN so sensible and fair is anathema to them. The cheat and lie and steal and sabotage and ignore what is just reasonable and right. Pishtosh.
Trying to SAVE LIVES is a political move?The demented duck SUCKS.Covid 19 is rising in many states. Some are red. What's the duck gonna do? Ignore that too? Yuck yuck yuck. The duck sucks.
A demented duck controls the flow...ebb and? Seriously. When did a demented duck ever become a "head" or call all the shots or force a rigid gestapo rule on a people? Hitler ... moreA demented duck controls the flow...ebb and? Seriously. When did a demented duck ever become a "head" or call all the shots or force a rigid gestapo rule on a people? Hitler was the last madman in charge. The demented duck took the mantle? The adolph passed off the title to a demented duck? What the ....uck?
No kidding. What you did bad in a prior life you pay for so you can LEARN A LESSON FROM IT>How will THEY do being the ones who are hated upon 24/7? I have no idea but what... moreNo kidding. What you did bad in a prior life you pay for so you can LEARN A LESSON FROM IT>How will THEY do being the ones who are hated upon 24/7? I have no idea but whatever happens they EARNED IT and DESERVE IT.Payback sucks for the payer backer targets. It's only fair. What you do in this lifetime you are punished or rewarded for in the next. Do I KNOW THAT FOR SURE? What are you nuts? NO. Of course not. GET A GRIP! But I can dream can't I?