A man who is rich due to his daddy dearest's smart never knew not being rich. He relates to others who also never knew not being richHe tries to convince ordinary everyday "little"... moreA man who is rich due to his daddy dearest's smart never knew not being rich. He relates to others who also never knew not being richHe tries to convince ordinary everyday "little" people he has their back. Highly doubtful since he thinks shaking hands with them is DISGUSTING.A piece of work. Donald the Duck. A QUACk.
Weren't there youths who heiled Hitler who were very PATRIOTIC?Nazi Germany in America? Patriotic Youth? Anti-Racism is child abuse?Donald the Duck is a QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK
Do you appreciate those who don't use GOD as a political device/weapon/SCHTICK to capture your vote?Do you appreciate those who believe in and follow SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE... moreDo you appreciate those who don't use GOD as a political device/weapon/SCHTICK to capture your vote?Do you appreciate those who believe in and follow SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE?Do you wonder why candidates as so weak on their own they have to bring in a RINGER who was not asked or consulted?Or do you not care at all about whatever connivances or contrivances or devices and tricks and lies they use to get votes because you believe ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR AND POLITICS? Inquiring minds wanna know these things! less
Donald the Duck has a DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEES list. Those on it take great pride in it.Which list would you be prouder to be on...Tricky Dicky Enemy or Donald the Duck "DISGRUNTLED" ... moreDonald the Duck has a DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEES list. Those on it take great pride in it.Which list would you be prouder to be on...Tricky Dicky Enemy or Donald the Duck "DISGRUNTLED" employee?How PROUD would thee be to be on BOTH?