The main purpose of gibberish is to make sure no one knows what the he** you are talking about excluding those who have adopted GIBBERISH as a way of life. I dare you to make any s... moreThe main purpose of gibberish is to make sure no one knows what the he** you are talking about excluding those who have adopted GIBBERISH as a way of life. I dare you to make any sense out of anything the dipsh** or his fellow gibberishites say. I dare you. They communicate perfectly with one another because they all grew up speaking gibberish but hid it until the dipsh** made it mandatory. Do they teach gibberish in school these days? The alphabet consists of I and me since the dipsh** is the one who has popularized it. Watch the gibberishites communicate with one another. They delight in it. On the FAUX tv station that is all they speak. The press secretary is fluent in it as is the entire cabinet and dipsh** gubment bugment. Can't make sense out of anything they do or say and they like it that way. Keeps folks in the dark and confused. That's the way they like it. Uh huh. Uh huh.We used to have igpay atinlay. Remember back in the day? less
He sez he solved the problem. We're waiting for him to give the Executive Order! What's the holdup?WHAT? You mean the dipsh** didn't know he was in charge of 57% of California fore... moreHe sez he solved the problem. We're waiting for him to give the Executive Order! What's the holdup?WHAT? You mean the dipsh** didn't know he was in charge of 57% of California forests owned by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF WHICH HE CLAIMS TO BE THE HEAD? He spoke out of his vast gut and and vaster a** when he scolded California for the wildfires? He didn't know he was on the hook for much of it? He didn't KNOW? He DIDN'T know? HE didn't know? What does he know? What good is he if he doesn't know what he needs to know to be a "head". We're not talking toilets here. less
Isn't there a somewhere with an end or does the low now go out into space and have bajillions of lowers it can go? Black holes are waiting out there for the dipsh** "new low".
Well ya see it's like this. There were EIGHT (8) EIGHT (8) EIGHT (8) saps of the homo variety who refused to wear face masks. Okey dokey. Hunky dorry. Loosy goosy. Ziss boom bah! W... moreWell ya see it's like this. There were EIGHT (8) EIGHT (8) EIGHT (8) saps of the homo variety who refused to wear face masks. Okey dokey. Hunky dorry. Loosy goosy. Ziss boom bah! Whoopee!Their punishment? DIG GRAVES FOR THOSE WHO DIED OF THE Pumpkina** plague!Now how could there possibly be a perfecter punishment than that?Of course the dipsh** will have none of it. He would die before he would try to be perfect. He hates perfect. He is envious and jealous and terrified of perfect. He avoids it at all costs. He won't even give it a whirl. Not even a one-night stand. less
When you PLAY UP TO you are faking it and pretending and conning and scamming and LYING. As for the "race" problem that is his main goal and wish and have RACE RIOTS occ... moreWhen you PLAY UP TO you are faking it and pretending and conning and scamming and LYING. As for the "race" problem that is his main goal and wish and have RACE RIOTS occur so his adoring worshippers who are white racists and nazis will see how attuned he is to them and how he came through for them.MANY of us know what he is. He brags about it 24/7. Do you know what he is? What is he to you and why?
Isn't the HUGE ELEPHANT the PROBLEM between ISRAEL and PALESTINE?Who is kidding whom here? Once again avoiding the issue and deflecting diverting to run victory laps around an "ach... moreIsn't the HUGE ELEPHANT the PROBLEM between ISRAEL and PALESTINE?Who is kidding whom here? Once again avoiding the issue and deflecting diverting to run victory laps around an "achievement" that is patent bullsh**. And so it goes. More and more faux faux faux faux. Are YOU impressed?.
The INSPECTOR GENERAL WATCHDOG is going to investigate the handling of the ROGER STONE SCANDAL vis a vis barfbarr interference and trying to reverse the STONE confessions and make ... moreThe INSPECTOR GENERAL WATCHDOG is going to investigate the handling of the ROGER STONE SCANDAL vis a vis barfbarr interference and trying to reverse the STONE confessions and make him be totally innocent.Imagine that. Trying to hold the dipsh** mafia hitman consigliarie ACCOUNTABLE for his ILLEGAL interference in something that should be of no concern to him at all? Really. Holding the barfbarr LEGALLY accountable for his ILLEGAL continued interference in Justice Department activities? Really? Truly? Honestly? less
Diversion deceit redirection enhancement lies. Immersion in fake everything so attention is moved to that and away from the thousands who died and are dying and will die and the ma... moreDiversion deceit redirection enhancement lies. Immersion in fake everything so attention is moved to that and away from the thousands who died and are dying and will die and the many who survived but will have lasting permanent damage done by the pumpkina** virus.Hold rallies as if there is no problem. Hold rallies as if it is all a huge scheme by the opposition to harm you. Ignore them and keep holding rallies as was done in the "olden" days. The people who attended before will attend again. Back in the saddle. Get back to "normal".So we have two "realities" going on simultaneously.The science based concern about what lies ahead and a focus on how to best mitigate it.The anti-science based focus on maintaining the status quo with all else irrelevant ignored dismissed.I wonder which horse will win? Place your bets. less