Some children still live in KENNELS and CAGES. What heart. What compassion. What love of humankind.The Dipstick will use anyone and anything at anytime. Shameless pig.
You ain't seen nuthin' yet! There will be billions of dollars spent on ads to scare the sh** outta y'all and of course y'all will fall for it. Y'all already have. Y'all eat this cr... moreYou ain't seen nuthin' yet! There will be billions of dollars spent on ads to scare the sh** outta y'all and of course y'all will fall for it. Y'all already have. Y'all eat this crap up. Well your belly will be full of it for the next few months. Accelerated by frantic frenzy and fear it will come at you relentlessly from every direction 24/7.Billions of dollars raised to spend on ads to "win" an election that we know is rigged.The same way it was rigged in 2016. Lies and conspiracies and liars and conspirators and colluders and maker uppers and insulters and attackers and lots and lots of bots. The russian machine has never stopped cranking out its mystery sausage on behalf of the useful idiot lapdog puppet ...the one and only dipstick!Bring it on. Take your best shot. You've already destroyed a lot. More to go ho ho ho. Keep it up. Leave nothing behind. You can do it. less
I got mine get your ownNo skin off my noseWhat they get they deservedLet them go back to their countryWhite is bright and full of might and smite and fright and delight alrightPeop... moreI got mine get your ownNo skin off my noseWhat they get they deservedLet them go back to their countryWhite is bright and full of might and smite and fright and delight alrightPeople of color are not one of usMy way or the highwayCompromise is for weaklings as is cooperation. Everyone says so. You CAN judge a book by its cover color. Everyone knows that. Everyone says so. There are not good people on both sides. Only on "our" side, The rest are dreck and should all go to heck in a handbasket."I am the word the light and the way." The dipstick's belief about himself. Nothing existed before the dipstick and when he goes everything goes with him. less
Did anyone there to speak glowingly lovingly adoringly about the dipstick take any time to show sympathy for the dead Americans, their grieving families, and those who are still su... moreDid anyone there to speak glowingly lovingly adoringly about the dipstick take any time to show sympathy for the dead Americans, their grieving families, and those who are still suffering from the effects ot getting the disease? Anyone at all?Or are theh so insulated from reality living in their bubble world of dipstick reality they can't be bothered because to them it is not a reality to be considered?Cold heartless indifferent they are. The only passions they feel are HATE and FEAR which they stoke up each time they gather together. Fomenting horrors and lusting after more and more and more and more. The more braindead lemmings they can reach the happier they are. Terrified of their shadows they believe that the dipstick will save them. From what?The only threat is dipstick. They don't see that. They are lost. less
Yet in the here and now people of color embrace defend protect adore the dipstick who is clearly a FASCIST RACIST pro RACIST FASCISTS.How can that be that we see "BLACKS FOR TRUMP"... moreYet in the here and now people of color embrace defend protect adore the dipstick who is clearly a FASCIST RACIST pro RACIST FASCISTS.How can that be that we see "BLACKS FOR TRUMP" signs everywhere? How can it be that CUBAN AMERICANS proudly support him? Cuban Americans fled Cuba to get away from a despot dictator hater. They embrace the American version of that full up? I DON"T GET IT.
California Congresswoman Katie Porter showed him up for what he was. A FRONT. An empty suit. As a former student of Elizabeth Warren and as a former UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR she is no ... moreCalifornia Congresswoman Katie Porter showed him up for what he was. A FRONT. An empty suit. As a former student of Elizabeth Warren and as a former UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR she is no slouch when it comes to intellect and she is fastidious in her preparation. Anyone who faces her usually ends up head in hand and humiliated. She is ferocious and fearsome and a deadly questioner.The dipsticks are no match for her. Bring it on! Bring them on. I DARE any of them to face her and answer her questions.Sure the dipstick fix is in and he rigs everything eh touches. But there are some things that immutable. She is one of them. The dipstick brigade has nothing on its side comparable. The attack dogs like little jimmy jordan? Hhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Seriously? less