Nothing is beneath those who DO IT or DON'T DO IT or WON'T DO IT.That is what they are where they are and all they are.The minority HOUSE Speaker still tilting at windmills. THAT I... moreNothing is beneath those who DO IT or DON'T DO IT or WON'T DO IT.That is what they are where they are and all they are.The minority HOUSE Speaker still tilting at windmills. THAT IS WHERE HE IS WHAT HE IS ALL HE IS.SO TOO THOSE WHO ARE OF HIS ILK AND AGREENothing can be done about it.
The ANTIVAX WHITE DUNG weaponized nutjob crackpots are keeping track of all the folks who talk back.Why is he doing this? To save his reputation? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
A WHITE DUNG DUNGIST trailer park trash head threatening to blow the policeman away and accusing him of a giving a PERFORMANCE?All WHITE DUNG DUNGISTS are nutjob crackpots who are ... moreA WHITE DUNG DUNGIST trailer park trash head threatening to blow the policeman away and accusing him of a giving a PERFORMANCE?All WHITE DUNG DUNGISTS are nutjob crackpots who are weaponized to obey GUANO and "fight for their country" by murdering all who find the GUANO and his WHITE DUNG DUNGS REPULSIVE and repellent and BARF WORTHY.How many WHITE DUNG DUNGISTS ARE THERE? MILLIONS maybe BILLIONS?
Because they fake mourning and no way will anyone suspect them of MURDER and want to execute them.Get rid of the kids by forbidding masking and mocking maskers. Get rid of old folk... moreBecause they fake mourning and no way will anyone suspect them of MURDER and want to execute them.Get rid of the kids by forbidding masking and mocking maskers. Get rid of old folks. Get rid of all those with compromised immune systems. Get rid of everyone not your exact ilk. Kids, parents, relatives, "friends".MOCK MASKING MOCK VACCINATING MOCK LIFE. What could it hurt? It will make huge brownie points with the evil doers. What's life worth compared to THAT?
So you admire the MOCKED mocking? Are you among the MOCKED MOCKERS too?They are everywhere anywhere nowhere somewhere.MOCKED mocking. How clever is that?