EVery single one of them is a MURDERER. They commit suicide? Who cares. They murder others? Well there will be HE** to pay for them one day. I hope and pray.
Dr. Fauci an EMINENT EPIDEMIOLOGIST? The eye surgeon knows didly sh** about it. Guess what Dr. Anthony Fauci...pre-eminent EPIDEMIOLOGIST told gall?"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAL... moreDr. Fauci an EMINENT EPIDEMIOLOGIST? The eye surgeon knows didly sh** about it. Guess what Dr. Anthony Fauci...pre-eminent EPIDEMIOLOGIST told gall?"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT."No sh**! THAT's It.Dr. gall got smacked down real hard. Stupid dumbs are all alike. They challenge KNOWLEDGEABLE INTELLIGENT EDUCATED EXPERIENCED PEOPLE all the time because they are far too stupid dumb not to. They are so dumb they think everyone will buy their crap. Only other crap buyers buy it.More to come? You bet. Dr. gall can't shut up. All the stupid dumbs have diarrhea of the mouth. A genetic malady isplating them from thee and me.GALLSomething very vexing and irritatingIMPUDENCEEFFRONTERYBILE..especially that of an animalSomething BITTER or SEVERESynonymsNerve brass cheek audacityDr. Rand gall. Want him operating on YOUR eyes? Sheesh. less