Plans to remove the Martin Luther King Jr. I HAVE A DREAM speech out of the schools.NOT ONLY THAT BUT HE SEZ THE TEACHERS DON'T HAVE TO TEACHThe Emancipation ProclamationWomen's Su... morePlans to remove the Martin Luther King Jr. I HAVE A DREAM speech out of the schools.NOT ONLY THAT BUT HE SEZ THE TEACHERS DON'T HAVE TO TEACHThe Emancipation ProclamationWomen's SuffrageSo he is restricting knowledge for political partisan poisoning of young minds thus making sure the next generation will be as profoundly stupiddumb as his is.Whattaguy! Abostively posilutely a leader. Want your kids dumbed down very bigly? Move to Texas. Although all the other red state KKK gubners will soon copycat so stay where you're's coming to your neighborhood.Generations of ignoramuses. Just what we need. Well we're gonna get it. How cool is that? less
You gotchure ANTI POLLUTION ANTI VERMIN ANTI VILE folks pitted against those who adore tail and her male.Riddikalus as it is tail and her mail rock with some who like that kind of ... moreYou gotchure ANTI POLLUTION ANTI VERMIN ANTI VILE folks pitted against those who adore tail and her male.Riddikalus as it is tail and her mail rock with some who like that kind of thing. Do they rock YOUR world?
The future will be the same as it is now. Spikes and surges and deaths. Spikes and surges and deaths. Spikes and surges and deaths.Eventually they will all die and then maybe the r... moreThe future will be the same as it is now. Spikes and surges and deaths. Spikes and surges and deaths. Spikes and surges and deaths.Eventually they will all die and then maybe the rest of us can live in peace. How long with it take?Can't be too soon for me.
Become lonely and perceive stress more strongly than social peopleLoneliness can cause disturbances in your natural sleep cycleLoneliness and depression often go hand-in-handYour d... moreBecome lonely and perceive stress more strongly than social peopleLoneliness can cause disturbances in your natural sleep cycleLoneliness and depression often go hand-in-handYour defenses aren't "up" so you tend to have a suppressed immune systemIt affects your ability to socially interactHermits express negatively more severelyDecreases your life span, stresses your heart, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, mental health and the way people see youPulling away from society on occasion can be refreshing. Pulling away entirely for good? Not so much. less
Okinawa, JapanSardinia, ItarlyNicoya, Costa RicaIkaria, GreenLoma Linda, CaliforniaThey share lifestyle habits in common and isolation from one another is not one of them.How long ... moreOkinawa, JapanSardinia, ItarlyNicoya, Costa RicaIkaria, GreenLoma Linda, CaliforniaThey share lifestyle habits in common and isolation from one another is not one of them.How long will you live?
HERMITA person who has withdrawn to a solitary place for a life of religious seclusionAny person living in seclusion; recluseThe synonyms are words with which I am not familiar. Ar... moreHERMITA person who has withdrawn to a solitary place for a life of religious seclusionAny person living in seclusion; recluseThe synonyms are words with which I am not familiar. Are you?EremiteMonastic (that word I AM familiar with)AnchoriteCenobite
The MAGAS are mocking and ridiculing it with every word and deed.Bullsh** crap sells big among that ilk. Whatever.Everyone knows they are the current white sheets that cover white ... moreThe MAGAS are mocking and ridiculing it with every word and deed.Bullsh** crap sells big among that ilk. Whatever.Everyone knows they are the current white sheets that cover white supremacists. Haters. Defilers. Destroyers. Everyone but the ones who wear it. They think it is awesome good. HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaSheeshThey have worked ever so hard to do the opposite. DESTROY America and all the country stands for. By all means possible. DESTROY DESTRUCT DEMOLISH DENIGRATEThey are in the dark about what they are who they are and what they are doing.They see themselves as patriots and saviors all the while attacking restricting denying punishing.And still they go on.Hate and venom is endless among them. It pours out of every one of them. Hate and venom.On the other hand they think they are all hunky dorry sweethearts. They see no problem in doing or saying anything. Truth was never an issue. They abhor it. So they satisfy themselves they are the ones doing "good" as they destroy more and more and more... less