We don't of course. The question is WHY DON'T WE SEE EVIL in the same way?We see the sky as blue grass as green. We agree that dogs and cats make good pets. Why are we so far apart... moreWe don't of course. The question is WHY DON'T WE SEE EVIL in the same way?We see the sky as blue grass as green. We agree that dogs and cats make good pets. Why are we so far apart our understanding of EVIL and GOOD? I don't get it.
Like the importance of being TRUTHFULHow to recognize and avoid those who would harm them...that's a tough one I expect.Helping others as you can when you can if you can
Or are some just born BAD SEEDS? EVil at birth? What deformed defective sperm and egg needs to connect to produce a Hitler?Does madness always lead to disaster? Are some madmen har... moreOr are some just born BAD SEEDS? EVil at birth? What deformed defective sperm and egg needs to connect to produce a Hitler?Does madness always lead to disaster? Are some madmen harmless? The evil that men do....Are all men potential evildoers? If so why brings evil out in some of them and not in others of them?Are the evil very weak or very strong?Does evil attract some people or are they evil from the getgo?Can a good person become EVIL? An evil person become GOOD?How does that work?
Post hypnotic trigger would be what? Or would it be "on" 24/7?How long does a hypnotic "suggestion" last?Any of you ever been hypnotized? Or are you impervious to it? Some are. Why?
Ordering the destruction of our country is not enough to dampen the abject ADULATION the dackhead adorers find in him. If you can believe that horrible terrible awful thing. ... moreOrdering the destruction of our country is not enough to dampen the abject ADULATION the dackhead adorers find in him. If you can believe that horrible terrible awful thing. BELIEVE IT.So whaddabout it? Can you inoculate against a person who is evil dangerous corrupt or is that another thing that cannot be done?
After he is "gone" the evil he has done will live long after him. It will be manifested in the waves of white supremacist domestic terrorists. He will be worshipped in their church... moreAfter he is "gone" the evil he has done will live long after him. It will be manifested in the waves of white supremacist domestic terrorists. He will be worshipped in their churches and sanctified as a martyr and millions of his adoring worshippers will praise him and pray to him.An exaggeration? I wish. They are besotted with him. They are infected by his essence. They will get even.They will never stop believing in him and revenging and retaliating. They ARE HIM. There is no "getting back to normal". His evil will not diminish. It will grow.Ya know? less
They are primed and pumped and juiced up and the dockhead will keep telling them he LOVES THEM and THEY ARE VERY SPECIAL. That's all they need to keep doing what they do so well. D... moreThey are primed and pumped and juiced up and the dockhead will keep telling them he LOVES THEM and THEY ARE VERY SPECIAL. That's all they need to keep doing what they do so well. DESTTROY DESTRUCT DEFAME DEFILE in his name. LOYAL till they die but they will raise their spawn to do the same. They have already declared dockhead a saint you see. Saint lovers/worshippers don't fade away. Be prepared. Duckhead is here to stay. So is death destruction insurrection and violence.
Robots never "die". They go on orever and ever spouting the programmed responses.Now if we could get all his robots to follow him to oblivion that would be an accomplishment. But h... moreRobots never "die". They go on orever and ever spouting the programmed responses.Now if we could get all his robots to follow him to oblivion that would be an accomplishment. But his mobs and trhongs of white supremacist domestic terrorists have been unleashed and will become his monument..his legacy...for eternity.And the robots in chorus will be there to cheer them on. And attack the objectors. And so it goes.
A LOONEY BIN with padded walls because he bangs his head constantly against those walls shouting I WON I WON I WON I WON.He will never be seen again nor heard from. He will disappe... moreA LOONEY BIN with padded walls because he bangs his head constantly against those walls shouting I WON I WON I WON I WON.He will never be seen again nor heard from. He will disappear in the mist of history and futurely he will be though to have been apocryphal not real.APOCRYPHALOf doubtful authorship or authenticityFALSE SPURIOUSA parable about what happens when you elect a madmanAesop's Fables meant to teach a lesson