Or does he have none?The crowds of celebrators worldwide at that news was quite lovely. It was as if it was everyone's election victory. A shared victory!Instead of graciously acce... moreOr does he have none?The crowds of celebrators worldwide at that news was quite lovely. It was as if it was everyone's election victory. A shared victory!Instead of graciously accepting the results (which would have surprised everyone) the person who lost has taken it as a sign he might fight on never concede act as though he won.A winning strategy or a very sad pathetic methodology? Anyone admire a sore loser?
The person who lost the election couldn't live with that. He demanded that everyone choose up sides and if you were not on his side you needed to be gone.It worked well for several... moreThe person who lost the election couldn't live with that. He demanded that everyone choose up sides and if you were not on his side you needed to be gone.It worked well for several hundred years. But that has been shattered. How long will it take to get back to that place?
Doing the proper thing in the proper way would mean Joe won. They dare not do that.But.WHAT IF Intelligence professionals keep Joe apprised under the radar? WHAT IF they do as they... moreDoing the proper thing in the proper way would mean Joe won. They dare not do that.But.WHAT IF Intelligence professionals keep Joe apprised under the radar? WHAT IF they do as they have always done in prior administration changes? WHAT IF they do the right thing?I believe it won't be just Democrats. I believe there are Republicans working right now who are not going to participate in doing wrong just to satisfy the hurt feelings/ego of the person who lost the election.I believe there are patriotic Americans who will go outside the confine of partisan politics and DO THE RIGHT THING. Do you too? less
The person who lost the election has not been seen for days. He tweets and fired the Secretary of Defense via TWEETThe current vice president has gone on vacationThe person who los... moreThe person who lost the election has not been seen for days. He tweets and fired the Secretary of Defense via TWEETThe current vice president has gone on vacationThe person who lost the election plans to fire the heads of CIA/FBI soon.The transition of new is blocked. "They" are refusing to fund the transition. Know what's worse?President- Elect JOE BIDEN is being BLOCKED from receiving intelligence information. BLOCKED. STOPPED. REFUSED ACCESS. It is his RIGHT to be apprised of what is going on and the person who lost the election is prevent that from happening. The world is watching. This is a perfect way for the person who lost the election to weaken us so that one of his pals can attack us at our most vulnerable time. A set up. Rigged.You read it here. It is a very DANGEROUS situation that is being controlled by the person who lost the election, the toady sycophant scairdy cat Republicans and all the lemmings. Do they know what they do? Forgive them LORD for they know not what they do? OF COURSE THEY KNOW. O... less
Those who get away with big crap big corruption big crimes big traitoring big treasoning will reach place where they have to account for it and PAY FOR IT.So I don't get to see it?... moreThose who get away with big crap big corruption big crimes big traitoring big treasoning will reach place where they have to account for it and PAY FOR IT.So I don't get to see it? So what? No big deal. I KNOW that the accounting officer who does the internal review catches EVERYTHING we do. We do not get away with anything. In the long run.So if the person who won the election skates here on eath because he rigged the system stacked the deck cheated? So what? His comuppannce is ahead of him wherever he goes. less
In 2016 sez mitch the bit** "When you reach 270 electoral college votes YOU ARE THE PRESIDENT"In 2020 sez mitch the bit** "The president has every right to question the election"
What about injections vaccinations? Totally up to speed on those?When a "miracle" drug is announced it is essential to also talk about possible side effects...the downside.So far t... moreWhat about injections vaccinations? Totally up to speed on those?When a "miracle" drug is announced it is essential to also talk about possible side effects...the downside.So far the 90% folks have said NOTHING about it. NOT A WORD.Makes you wonder what they're hiding.
Now we base everthing on "WHO SAID SO"?If the who in the who said so is your guru adored one he is never questioned or challenged or subject to being wrong. He is always right and ... moreNow we base everthing on "WHO SAID SO"?If the who in the who said so is your guru adored one he is never questioned or challenged or subject to being wrong. He is always right and never has to prove it.So much for being a country based on the rule of slaw!So much coleslaw! Dress it up and slop it with dressing. Why not? What could it hurt? Everone says so.And so it goes.LIARS ALWAYS PROSPER WHEN GULLIBLES ARE THE TARGET
Who is more to blame for THAT FRAUD being perpetrated?The LIAR who asserts FRAUD when there is none or the gullibles who believe the assertions?How is that NOT THE REAL FRAUD HERE?