Contact your local political party HEADQUARTERS and find out what you can do to help insure that this election won't be sabotaged blown up ground up annihilated by the dumb cluck d... moreContact your local political party HEADQUARTERS and find out what you can do to help insure that this election won't be sabotaged blown up ground up annihilated by the dumb cluck duck and his weaponized quacks.RIGHT WILL PREVAIL. The duck and his goons will fail. Dumb usually does.
Jim's friend Alan had a steroid shot in his shoulder for pain. TWO DAYS LATER he has a massive stroke.Jim had a cortisone shot in his heel for pain. TWO DAYS LATER he had a mild st... moreJim's friend Alan had a steroid shot in his shoulder for pain. TWO DAYS LATER he has a massive stroke.Jim had a cortisone shot in his heel for pain. TWO DAYS LATER he had a mild stroke.Google it. "Can a cortisone shot cause a stroke"?Now I think the reason Alan's stroke was MASSIVE is because the cortisone shot was closer to the brain.Jim's was mild because it was as far away from the brain as you can get on a human body.So beware take care and avoid steroids. They might mask one problem but cause far worse.Steroids don't cure they only temporarily mitigate. Is it worth your life? less
Duck sez it is a blessing from GOD that he got Covid 19.So will all the drugs inside him which may cause LIFELONG problems also be a blessing from GOD?
They are not limited by any rules. Truth proof evidence fact are irrelevant. In fact they are suspect. THE ENEMY.Maybe that's why they cling so desperately to ALTERNATE REALITY. Th... moreThey are not limited by any rules. Truth proof evidence fact are irrelevant. In fact they are suspect. THE ENEMY.Maybe that's why they cling so desperately to ALTERNATE REALITY. They want to be happy. Do you blame them?
Maybe it's some self-imposed test that if they just stick with it they will overcome whatever obstacles to rational communication between the alternate world livers and the real wo... moreMaybe it's some self-imposed test that if they just stick with it they will overcome whatever obstacles to rational communication between the alternate world livers and the real world livers?I just don't have a clue. Do you?
The insulated world of ALTERNATE REALITY in which millions reside as devotees of the dumb cluck duck.As an observer I am constantly amazed and perplexed as to WHY they keep trying?... moreThe insulated world of ALTERNATE REALITY in which millions reside as devotees of the dumb cluck duck.As an observer I am constantly amazed and perplexed as to WHY they keep trying? Is it some deep-seated firm belief that if they just keep trying they will make contact with intelligent life?It has to be something more than patience. There has to be some hope there too else why would they keep "beating their heads against a brick wall" so to speak figuratively speaking.
The high as a kite INFECTED duck left the residence and went to the oval office "to do work".Meanwhile everyone there is exposed to the contagion and they seem not to care at all.M... moreThe high as a kite INFECTED duck left the residence and went to the oval office "to do work".Meanwhile everyone there is exposed to the contagion and they seem not to care at all.Maybe they hope they will get so they can enjoy GOD'S BLESSING too just like the duck?Yuck yuck yuck.Different strokes. They keep dropping like flies. Superspreader. Hot spot.Wanna work there? Wanna job there? Wanna die there?
Has Joe been holding out on us all this time selling himself as coming from humble beginnings?Could be. Anything is possible.Wonder what the dumb cluck duck "machine" will come up ... moreHas Joe been holding out on us all this time selling himself as coming from humble beginnings?Could be. Anything is possible.Wonder what the dumb cluck duck "machine" will come up with now? Everything they've tried so far to eviscerate Joe drives the duck deeper and downer in the polls. Keep it up duck! Keep it up keep it up keep it Also I sincerely hope all the adoring worshippers toady sycophants and lemmings keep it up too. The win for Joe will be that much more delicioiuser! Don'tcha know?The dumb cluck duck cabal will never be able to stop the madness of the duck. He so high on drugs he flies higher and higer each day. He has no clue he is high as a kite. When he comes down? Uh oh. He rants rambles raves gibberish constantly. To them his adoring worshippers they are words of wisdom. To us? Hahahahahahahaha! You're joking right?! less
Even after duck goes away will they still continue to live in the alternate realty world? Or will his departure release them from the he** in which they have lived since 2015 and t... moreEven after duck goes away will they still continue to live in the alternate realty world? Or will his departure release them from the he** in which they have lived since 2015 and the infection brough to us by the dumb cluck duck? Do we really care?
Elys Braunstein said her father Larry diagnosed duck with bone spurs at the height of the Vietnam War "AS A FAVOR TO HIS LANDLORD FRED".Why would she lie about something like that?... moreElys Braunstein said her father Larry diagnosed duck with bone spurs at the height of the Vietnam War "AS A FAVOR TO HIS LANDLORD FRED".Why would she lie about something like that?Y'all can have any opinion you want no matter how speciously deceitful and obviously patently ridiculus. BUT YOU CANNOT SCREW AROUND WITH THE FACTS!GOOGLE IT for goodness sakes. GOOGLE GOOGLE GOOGLE GOOGLE GOOGLE.