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Donald Trump Is Emotionally And Mentally Retarded, Says Dr. Deepak Chopra

Donald Trump Is Emotionally And Mentally Retarded, Says Dr. Deepak Chopra

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Posted - February 13, 2020


  • LOL!  I love this post.  Yes, I am laughing but I know it is a serious matter.  You go gurl!
      February 13, 2020 1:07 PM MST

  • 46117
    Thank you for making me like Amy Grant.  

    I think it is only fair that I make you love Deepak

    A little later in the interview, Chopra expanded on his earlier statement that Donald Trump is retarded emotionally, adding “Maybe I was too kind when I said he was emotionally retarded; maybe he’s mentally retarded too.”

    When Colmes asked Dr. Chopra if Trump is truly all those things, he replied candidly.

    “I would never say this unless I believed it was 100 percent true, but he represents the racist, the bigot, the one who’s prejudiced, the one who is full of fear and hatred, the one who represents emotional retardation of a three-year old. And yet he’s so popular because he’s given permission to our collective psyche to express our darkest thoughts and dreams


    When asked why Donald Trump appeals to so many people, Chopra said that he “represents the lowest denominator in our collective psyche.” He said Trump brings out the worst in people, and that he himself is no exception. Chopra admitted that Trump brings out his own fear, especially in regards to “what would happen to America and the rest of the world if, God forbid, he became president.”

    Chopra alluded to a “shadow” of collective rage, grievances, and hostility that is inherent to human nature. He said the “shadow” comes out when there is anonymity, lack of accountability, and isolation. He cited war and terrorism as examples of “dehumanizing environments” that cause humans to feel like passive bystanders removed from responsibility.

    He also said that the time to publicly reveal, discuss and defeat this collective human shadow is now. “I feel that unless we talk about this in the open…the world is going to be a scarier place,” he told Alan Colmes. Chopra stated that Donald Trump represents the darkest innermost aspects of all of us, and that only by recognizing and taking personal responsibility for our own part in the fear can we shine a light and defeat the shadow. He said that one way we can do this is to remain nonreactive when Trump says or does something that triggers our collective fear. He said that when someone stoops to his level, Donald Trump stoops even lower.

    Dr. Chopra admitted that what he was doing — sounding off against Donald Trump — is not the way to defeat the collective human shadow. When Colmes mentioned Chopra’s usually calm, non-reactive demeanor, the doctor replied that was being reactive because Donald Trump “has overshadowed my yogic being.”

    The day before the radio interview, Dr. Deepak Chopra published a blog on Huffington Post. Entitled America’s Shadow: The Real Secret of Donald J. Trump, he explains that Trump is no bizarre anomaly. Chopra says that Donald Trump is merely a recent expression of the collective human shadow and “stands for something universal, something right before our eyes.”


    In the June 6 blog, Chopra explained the origins of the “shadow” he talked about with Alan Colmes.

    “It’s an aspect of the human psyche that we feel embarrassed and ashamed of, which makes it our collective secret. Going back a century in the field of depth psychology, the secret side of human nature acquired a special name: the shadow.”

    The blog further noted that the term “shadow” was coined by Carl Jung, based on Sigmund Freud’s view of the human psyche as dualistic, divided between the subconscious and conscious mind. The shadow is the unconscious portion of the mind. Therein dwell the darkest human impulses, including selfishness, sadism, jealousy, resentment, and sexual transgression. When collective fear allows irrational values such as those espoused by Donald Trump to seem rational, the shadow burgeons. It makes it “okay” for everyone to behave badly.

    “When the shadow breaks out, what’s wrong is right. Being transgressive feels like a relief, because suddenly the collective psyche can gambol in forbidden fields. When Trump indulges in rampant bad behavior and at the same time says to his riotous audiences, “This is fun, isn’t it?” he’s expressing in public our ashamed impulse to stop obeying the rules.”

    Read more: This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 13, 2020 1:14 PM MST
      February 13, 2020 1:09 PM MST

  • 23866
    I was stopped by this statement - -

     "And yet he's so popular because he’s given permission to our collective psyche to express our darkest thoughts and dreams"

    I believe there is immense truth to that.

    And - -

     he “represents the lowest denominator in our collective psyche.” He said Trump brings out the worst in people, and that he himself is no exception. 


      February 17, 2020 7:14 PM MST

  • 11437
    I agree with Dr. Deepak Chopra plus as a doctor of smellology  I also would diagnose him of having a sever case of untreatable BO. Cheers!
      February 13, 2020 1:15 PM MST

  • 46117

    Boring Obnoxious

    Bum  Obese

    Bowel Offal

    Bald  Orange

    Blimp OLD  oily ooozing bullcrap.
      February 13, 2020 1:24 PM MST

  • 17660
      February 13, 2020 1:22 PM MST

  • 46117
    I have NO idea why you think this is funny.  A noted and respected  (I know respect has a different meaning to those who are FOX News zombies) spiritual leader who does not collect money from poor people who  are told GOD doesn't love them unless they give up their house for HIM.  Like Trump's spiritual advisor/whore/con/ theif does.  She is up on charges of extortion and this is the creature that TRUMP listens to.  They are two cons in the same pod.  That is what makes you give a serious listen.   Her and Trump both should be in the darkest of prison cells.  SCUM from the pit of hell.  
    But a man like Deepak Chopra who sees Trump as an evil lying bigot, just tickles the heck out of you.  How do you navigate life? 

    You see FOX tells you that anyone that is not on Donald's SIDE is not worthy of respect.  Well, guess what?  That leaves the REST of the entire world.  No one can stand this pig and you think it is funny?    I totally pity people who have no clue why Putin is evil an Barak Obama is not evil.  
    Trump is evil and Deepak is one of the most spiritual souls on the planet.  but then again he is BROWN and from INDIA for godsakes.  What can he know about a WHITE MAN?  A man who has read the BIBLE from cover to cover.  Donald Trump.  

    I guess you are the kind of person that laughs as Trump pushes you off a cliff.  Keep on laughing.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 17, 2020 7:15 PM MST
      February 13, 2020 1:29 PM MST