Discussion » Questions » Emotions » Are you happy? Then you're not a troublemaker. Unhappy people get their kicks causing trouble for others. They thrive on it. Why are there so many bitterly angry/unhappy/miserable people?

Are you happy? Then you're not a troublemaker. Unhappy people get their kicks causing trouble for others. They thrive on it. Why are there so many bitterly angry/unhappy/miserable people?

Have the bitterly angry unhappy folks never learned how to be happy? Why?

Posted - September 22, 2016


  • 22891

    im not always happy and i dont go around causing trouble for others

      September 24, 2016 6:52 PM MDT

  • 44687

    I haven't been happy for many years. I don't cause trouble for others as I avoid them. Those whom I come in contact with I am quite polite.

      September 24, 2016 7:00 PM MDT

  • 11194

    Shame your not always happy but your doing right by not causing trouble to others . Cheers and happy weekend!

      September 24, 2016 7:03 PM MDT

  • 628

    Good Morning Rosie..

    Yes, I am Happy.

    One of the reasons for my happiness is I do not bow to the need for acceptance or approval from society.

    I don't have to have the latest gadget. I have never bought a new car, a flat screen t.v., a Ipad or a thousand other items that people love to show off and feel they have to have  to keep up, I never liked those Jones' anyway.

    I drive old cars and old motorcycles that in most cases I have to rebuild.

    I do not buy things on credit, I don't use bank cards. Most of my transactions are done in cash. I have a mortgage and some utility bills and that's it. In fact, most of my shirts and jackets are bought at thrift stores.

    I have learned to live very frugally, However, because of this I am able to live exactly where I want. Instead of a new BMW, I buy statues at estate sales...I can pay my daughters college tuition. I can  I can take a day off and take a 30 minute bike ride to the coast...

    I wear Hawaiian shirts and have really long hair that I wear in a pony tail. I love being me, I do for a living what I am passionate about, I have the respect of my children and I trust my friends.

    I strive to be happy. I don't have many stresses in my life.

    One of my favorite quotes and a inspiration for me is..."I do not smile because I am happy, I am Happy because I smile"

    That is why my "mug is smiling"

    I am no psychiatrist and I am sure there are countless reasons for someone's unhappiness. Maybe they don't feel they are meeting others, and their own expectations. Anger is an emotion to get lost in, It, as an ongoing condition is a dark place and has little value in our growth. When anger is the prime emotion in ones life it is hard to bring out the other emotions and feelings like Happiness and Contentment and satisfaction and empathy and compassion and reason, well I can go on and on.

     And if you are not happy with yourself, how can you share happiness with others, happiness in this includes politeness and good manners and helpfulness, etc.

    Happiness anticipates, Unhappiness is stuck

    Happiness strives to learn, unhappiness spends it energy tryin to prove

    Happiness listens, unhappiness yells

    Happiness grows, unhappiness doesn't...

    So yes Rosie, I want to be happy, I strive to be happy and I am happy.

    And with that, and as always

    have a wonderful....Happy day

      September 24, 2016 10:29 PM MDT

  • 113301

    You are definitely my cuppa tea des. I wear my hear in a long ponytail too. It's not as long as it was a few months ago. I cut off about 8". I haven't worn makeup since my last day at work...April 9, 1999 but who remembers?  I am the antithesis of a fancy dancy dame. I'm definitely plain wrap and economy. I do like quality in things such as cookware. I have a lot of LeCreuset cookware...very expensive stuff. But I bought all of it a local outlet mall in Cabazon years ago where they sell seconds and often had 50% off sales on the outlet prices. How could any reasonable person ignore that? I treated myself to the pieces and they are of such high quality that they all still look brand new and I've  used them daily for about ten years! They are ceramic coated metal and NEVER CHIP. . I have had exactly one brand new car in my life and that wasn't my doing. My then-husband decided that's what he wanted so that's what we got. Jim has a cell phone that his oldest son  David gave him. He is always playing with it. Jim is a gadget guy. The only thing I like it about it is that I can always reach him when he is out and about doing guy stuff like going to Harbor Freight or Lowe's or Home Depot. The only credit card  "debt" I have is a monthly charge from earthlink which is automatically debited to my VISA card which I never use except for that. I pay by check or cash.  I'm usually the only one in the grocery line who writes a check. The others slide cards in a machine or punch in some numbers. I don't bank online. I go to the bank. I  pay bills by check. I reconcile my bank statement every month the old-fashioned way.  We don't owe money to anyone for anything except our monthly recurring bills. Every bill that hits our house I pay the same day or the next day. I have NEVER texted or tweeted or joined Facebook or Myface etcetera and so forth. I just have no interest in it. I don't need a lot to make me happy. I do need honesty and I like to know what I can depend on. I insist on civility on the internet or I won't engage. I used to do battle in the long-ago olden days with combative people. No longer. At 78 I don't have the energy to waste on those whose lives revolve around negativity/hostility/bitterness/cruelty. We have a 55" flat screen TV. Jim's want, not mine although I do kinda like it. They grow on you. The downside is that you can see all the zits and pock marks and warts on people's faces up close and personal. I wonder if the folks on TV realize that? I am not a gadget person but Jim loves them. I can't tell you through all the years we've been together how many times he will bring one home for me because it intrigues him. Kitchen gadgets. I always give them a dry run and try them out and I think about 95% of them I put away because they don't do the job or are more trouble than they are worth. Who NEEDS a mushroom brush for cryin' out loud?  But he is a real sweetheart and is always thinking of me and once in awhile he hits the jackpot and brings home something I love a lot and would not have thought of buying for myself. I like sleek,classy in cars (you know that) but I love wood and brick and stained glass and Oriental rugs and marquetry. My grandfather was an artist. His medium was wood and I think you would have loved what he did. I guess I'm not a modernist. Homes that look like hospitals or manufacturing plants that are very industrial  with  lots of glass and metal are not my cuppa tea. They are so cold and impersonal. I like small and cozy. I can admire homes that are huge and grand but I doubt I could live in one. I prefer complexity of thought but in every other aspect of my life I much prefer simplicity. I don't want bells and whistles and gingerbread that I can never use. What's the point of having the potential to be able to do things with a machine in which you have zero interest?   Now if you could get a cell phone that would clean the house or pull weeds without my having to do anything that might be of interest to me. Otherwise? I'm not a blue smoke, whistles, bells and state-of-the-art-electronic-thingy person.  Jim and I do what we want when/if we want and we don't do anything we don't want to do. There is no one we need to obey or impress  or "put up with". The freedom of being old is awesome. Of course we're very lucky health-wise. I hope you are very healthy too m'dear and never have to suffer  from any debilitating ongoing condition. That would certainly take some of the joy out of life. Thank you for answering my question(s) so seriously and completely. I appreciate that you never hold back des. You always give 100% of yourself and take however much time you need. You are not afraid to open up and show us who lives within. Thank you for that. I have chatted with many others over the years whose conversations I enjoy but I don't really know them. They choose to remain private and don't really give of themselves except for their specific thoughts related to my questions. May you keep on keeping on exactly as you are now for a very long time. Happy Sunday my friend!  :)

      September 25, 2016 2:30 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I know pearl. Not every unhappy person is a troublemaker. But every troublemaker is an unhappy person. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)

      September 25, 2016 2:31 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Every unhappy person is not a troublemaker. Every troublemaker is an unhappy person. Just my observation Ele. I have been happy my entire life because I choose to be. I don't know what you have experienced I can't speak for you. I have a plaque which says "bloom where you are planted". I always have. I have always made the best of the hand I was dealt. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)

      September 25, 2016 2:33 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Every unhappy person is not a troublemaker but every troublemaker is an unhappy person. That's just my opinion of course. Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Sunday! :)

      September 25, 2016 2:34 AM MDT

  • Yup, I agree with you Rosie, the troublemakers usually are unhappy.  Life is rough that's why people are unhappy, it's sad.  :-(  IMO happiness is a decision you make, not always an easy decision as there are usually a lot of factors like waking up with a migraine or finding out you or a loved one is very sick...etc...  Anyway that's my opinion from my experience.  :-)

      September 25, 2016 5:54 PM MDT

  •   September 25, 2016 5:56 PM MDT

  • 3375

      September 25, 2016 9:50 PM MDT