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What do you consider good manners?

In a world where manners seem to go by the wayside more and more and people seem to engage more in or tolerate more inconsiderate and selfish behaviour - what actually constitutes good manners? What do you do if you encounter ill-mannered people?

Posted - March 1, 2020


  • 5391

    IMO, Good Manners are behaviors that tend to make other people comfortable in our company, and encourage a reciprocal response in their behavior. 

    I will tolerate the ill-mannered when I have to, but only to a point, and only as long as it serves some purpose.

    I doubt I am alone in observing that pointing out bad manners to the ill-mannered seldom corrects the behaviors, but mostly elicits an escalation of more bad manners. 

      March 1, 2020 8:33 AM MST

  • 6477
    Interesting.. yes, you could be right. I rarely correct people's bad manners.. I would LIKE to correct them but these days, you are likely to get a mouthful of abuse or worse! So it's not smart to point it out.  I wonder though, whether that's partly why it's on the increase?  In the past adults even if not related could always correct children and children didn't answer back.. that's not true now.. 

    Tee hee I remember on one occasion being told that my behaviour was intemperate! I felt ashamed! 
      March 1, 2020 9:58 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello dreamer:

    When you fart, you always point to the closest person..

      March 1, 2020 8:44 AM MST

  • 6477
    Ahh see I don't! And wouldn't... lol I would say I never fart, but that's obviously not true. I do however endeavour to restrict my farting to avoid polite company.
      March 1, 2020 9:55 AM MST

  • 510
    Let;s just keep to our values, that's what I believe in!
      March 1, 2020 11:53 AM MST

  • 6477
    Ahh but what are those values and are they becoming increasingly selfish and inconsiderate? That's what I wonder...  There used to be an etiquette re driving.. you pull over and let someone pass if there are obstacles or cars on your side.. now we see people ploughing on through and not stopping even though I have right of way... and I have a white line painted outside my house, which means no parking.. but people keep parking there, selfishly, not caring that they are blocking me in if I wanted to go out.. It's that kind of thing that make me wonder whether values have been watered down or changed?
      March 1, 2020 12:07 PM MST

  • 53717

    Generally speaking, NOT all-inclusive, and in no particular order:

    35. Return a greeting when spoken to.

    34. Make eye contact when introducing yourself to someone and/or when being introduced to someone.

    33. Smokers, you chose to smoke, I did not. I do not want your cigarette smoke anywhere near me. Thank you. 

    32. Do not assume that your use of profanity is acceptable, especially on the presence of strangers.  Using profanity is just like being flatulent: all humans have the ability to do it, one merely has to be respectful of others as to the right time, place, or situation. 

    31. Do not assume that your use of slang terms will or should automatically be understood by everyone, especially those of a generation far removed from your own.

    30. When other drivers use their turn signals to show they want to change into your lane, slow down and allow them in. You’re not THAT busy nor important.

    29. Never tailgate.

    28. Vegans, you’ve made your choice, I’ve made mine. I’m going to eat the animal flesh whether you agree with it or not. 

    27 Address people the way THEY want to be addressed. That supposedly “cute” or “funny” nickname you’ve assigned to someone isn’t as cute or funny to the recipient as you think it is. 

    26. Say, “Excuse me” when and where appropriate.

    25. Please, thank you, you’re welcome, etc.

    24.  Speak with people loudly enough to be heard, clearly enPugh to be understood, and in ways that show respect.

    22. Thank people when they do something for you, no matter how slight it might be.

    21 Don‘t cut in line.

    20. Not everyone is into hugging you or being hugged by you. If I wanted to hug you, we would have been married to each other long ago.

    19. The reason the microwave oven in the break room is always filthy is that people like you never wipe it out either before or after using it. That “tiny” spill you ignore after using it grows exponentially when 17 people in a row do the same thing.

    18 Never automatically assume that a handicapped person needs or wants your help.  Instead, ASK first. 

    17. The waistline of your pants, shorts, trousers, or skirt belong on the waistline of your body, and not below it. The number of inches below your body’s waistline you allow them to hang is most likely attune with lower IQ rates. 

    16. If the printer or copier is empty of paper and you open a new ream, don’t just fill it with the number of pages you need for your project, refill the machine to its full capacity!

    15. It’s “I’m doing well”, not “I’m doing good”.

    14. As a customer, turn off and put away the cell phone when face-to-face with the cashier who is ringing up your purchases.

    13. Help me go go back into history, find the person who invented speakerphone, commit murder, return to the present without getting caught.

    12. Count the change back to the customer. 

    11. Pick up after yourself.

    10. Trash belongs in the trash can. 

    9. Chew with your mouth closed. That includes when chewing gum.

    8. Don't just dive across the table and grab what you want from the other side of it: politely ask others to pass it to you.

    7. When you are seated between the person person who is passing an item at a dinner table and the recipient, YOU are part of the process: join in by passing it also.

    6. You cannot drink ALL of the alcohol known to mankind, especially not in one sitting, so please stop trying. Even if you could, it doesn’t prove anything positive.

    5. No mayo, avocados, or Vegemite, EVER.

    4. When yawning, cover your pie-hole; no one wants to see your esophagus.

    3. Stand aside and hold a door open for the person behind you or for the person opposite of you who might be trying to pass through it at the same time.

    2. Flush.



      March 2, 2020 7:39 PM MST