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COVID19: what about the Anti-Vaxers, people who have reasons not to get vaccinations? If a Corona vaccine is discovered . . .


Posted - April 14, 2020


  • 10026
    Unfortunately, they will probably stick to their beliefs.  If their kid dies or their mom or dad, they will feel it was meant to be.

    In my opinion, it is a very sad way of looking at an illness when it could have been prevented.
      April 14, 2020 11:54 AM MDT

  • 5391

    We won’t have to waste precious vaccine on them, and (otherwise preventable) diseases winnow their ilk out of the general population. 

      April 14, 2020 12:18 PM MDT

  • 6988
    I wonder how the Amish are doing through all this?
      April 14, 2020 12:58 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Since they don't have much interaction with the general public, probably go about their daily routines.
    This doesn't mean they are not innocently in contact with the virus.  It is in the air.  Some may not even know it exisits. 
    As you can see, these are all guesses.  I'm not in contact with any Amish group directly.  I only know what I read and what people tell me about them and their lifestyle.
    Whatever the case may be, I hope they are not infected and go on merrily in their lives.
      April 14, 2020 1:38 PM MDT

  • 6477
    I would still not take it... I am an antiV - I am persuaded by the science and facts. i.e. that most of those who came down with measles in recent years WERE actually vaccinated.. There is evidence, that most people don't bother looking for/at, that the vaccines do not actually protect in all cases, or sometimes in most cases, especially with mutation. 

    If we are talking about kids.. well, factually and scientifically, kids don't usually get this virus.. the evidence is that even if they do, even if they have preexisting conditions MOST of them come through it just fine.. This builds their immune system. We don't routinely give kids flu jabs here.. there are good scientific reasons for that.. in terms or costs, (including adverse reactions) vs benefits..  So it wouldn't ever be the case that a parent would be at fault for refusing to give the vaccine.. it doesn't get given to kids, (IMO rightly so, see building immunity, reactions, and the dangers of pumping kids full of potentially toxic material)

    So I wouldn't take it.. for all the reasons above.. natural immunity is proven to be the best kind.. and while I am taking all the stay home precautions too, the very strong chances are that if I were exposed I'd come through it just fine.. I am not old, I don't have any preexisting health conditions and indeed, having a pretty robust immune system already, the chances are I'd not even get it.. many don't, many who do get only very mild or even NO symptoms..  And that's the thing.. MOST of us would be fine.. 

    I know I will not be popular and perhaps no one will agree with me.. but... I seriously DO worry about how many of these vaccines we are pumping into the population.. I feel there is good evidence that this is making us weaker not stronger, I think we are storing up a lot of trouble for future generations and especially for kids, who are now being pumped full of way way more vaccines than we were as kids..  As a kid I got around 4 vaccines in total.. now babies of just a few weeks old get more than that in their first round of shots.. 

    You are free to disagree.. I respect your right to your opinion, I don't expect you to agree... that's your right.. but there IS science out there, it's just as many accuse antivaxxers of not reading the science, (OK some don't!) I have found that almost NO vaxxers actually read the science beyond what big pharma sponsored government tell them.
      April 14, 2020 2:00 PM MDT

  • 53691

      Thank you for offering all of us a point of view from that side of the issue.

      You don’t think Corona Virus presents an entirely new or different way of looking at the question of vaccinations?  Also, you mentioned science yet you’ve already stated your decision not to be vaccinated against this particular virus; does that mean that A) you’ve already investigated the science of both the virus and the potential vaccine(s), or B) no matter the effectiveness of any vaccine(s) that are produced for it, you will still decline to be vaccinated?
      April 15, 2020 7:20 AM MDT

  • 7939
    I want to hear DDB's response to, but jumping in here as well.

    As many know, I don't always vax. My kids and I are allergic to a whole lot of stuff and that includes certain vaccines. Others, like traditional flu vaccines or the chickenpox vaccine, I chose not to do because there's typically little risk in contracting the virus. I do some though. I'm also a major proponent of choice. We can't do the MMR for medical reasons, but I support those who choose not to vax for philosophical reasons. That in mind, when measles outbreaks happen, we're at risk of contracting. I choose to accept that risk. We still go out. The kids still go to school I wouldn't have taken my kids to Cali during the outbreak or anything, but I don't let it deter our regular lives from happening. I'm vigilant and watch for symptoms. I work with our doctors to make sure we get care as needed. We stay home if we have any oddball symptoms. Since we're all healthy beyond the allergies, I have faith that we'll get any care we need if we ever contract something and recover swiftly. As mortality rates and complication rates rise for our demographics, I do tend to vaccinate when we can safely do so.

    So, I can tell you how I'm personally looking at the COVID vaccine and, no, COVID has not changed my outlook or the criteria I use to decide which vaccines we accept. 

    Will this vaccine be safe? Historically, fast-tracked vaccines (anything in medicine, really) don't get the same scrutiny as others. Look up what happened with Gardasil if you question this. There is almost no debate (even with pro-vaxxers) that safety protocols were not followed and the FDA missed things. The debate that ensues is generally related to whether this failure resulted in health consequences for those vaccinated. We know the government screws up. Can we trust them this time? I don't know. I would not be among the first to be vaccinated for this reason. I would watch how others are responding to the vaccine first. Equally, I would need to work with our doctors to find out if the vaccine is even safe for us, given the allergies/ reactions. 

    Do I need the vaccine? As noted, children don't usually have symptoms and my kids happen to be healthy. I am also healthy. We're very very low risk for issues if we catch COVID. In all likelihood, we'll be fine if we catch it. 

    Will we spread COVID? Maybe. Being asymptomatic, we could catch it and unintentionally spread it. This does bother me to some degree, particularly because it is fatal for at-risk populations. At the same time, the shoe is on the other foot for us with measles. I take my own precautions to avoid catching it. This is a very tough call and I'm not sure where I stand on it yet. If I were to, say, unintentionally give COVID to one of my at-risk extended family members and it killed them, I would have a very hard time living with myself after. Actually, if I knew I was responsible for any deaths, I would not forgive myself. This is probably my sticking point. If most of the population has either had COVID or been immunized by the time we could get a vaccine, or we've already had COVID, this would be a moot point though. I wouldn't be worried about catching it, but I'd monitor for outbreaks and avoid hot zones unless we had immunity from already having COVID.

    Will we be able to get medical care if we catch it? This is probably the biggest determining factor because, right now, people can die waiting for a ventilator. Access to medical care and supplies is life or death right now and the healthcare system is getting taxed. It's a big part of why this is so deadly. But, sources say we're 12-18 months away from a vaccine. If our system is still taxed at that point... our country- heck, the world- is in serious trouble. I would hope that, by then, we're in a better place to manage care. If we're not, and the vaccine is safe for us to have, this will probably be one vaccine we do use. 
      April 15, 2020 1:43 PM MDT

  • 13277
    The problem with the coronavirus is that plenty of people in their 30-50s, even without underlying medical issues, are dying from it - even some who have self-isolated, etc.
      April 15, 2020 6:14 PM MDT

  • 7939
    A bit of a loaded statement. People who don't vaccinate choose not to for a myriad of reasons. Those who don't vaccinate for philosophical reasons across the board probably won't use the COVID vaccine. 

    I've honestly never met a single anti-vaxxer who didn't research every single vaccine they were rejecting and make a decision based on what they'd learned though. 
      April 15, 2020 12:27 AM MDT

  • 53691

      What “loaded statement”?  I asked a question, I did not make a statement, loaded or otherwise. 

      April 15, 2020 6:06 PM MDT

  • 7939
    "the Anti-Vaxers, the people who don’t believe that vaccinations are necessary?" 
    The terms are not mutually exclusive. 
      April 16, 2020 10:17 PM MDT

  • 53691

      Ok, now I see what you mean. Good point. I will rectify it. 
      April 16, 2020 11:45 PM MDT

  • 35073
    I am not an antivaxxer. But the vaccine is so far away I do not see myself getting it.  If it is still a problem by then....the whole world will be in shambles. 

    Did anyone get an original SARS vaccine? Or MERS? Or H1N1?  No body I know of...

    If I get it or anyone else in the family, we all know to demand the Malaria drug treatment...hydroxychloroquine
      April 15, 2020 2:01 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I have a mark on my arm where my mom had me vaccinated.  I know I had every vaccination known to mankind when I received them.  I thank my mom for that.  I would not have been able to go to public schools, have slumber parties, swim in public pools, or do many things kids do if I weren't vaccinated.
    I like to think of it as getting a Parvo Shots for dogs.  I am lucky I don't have to get boosters on all of them all the time.

    There is a flu every year that hits us.  Every year people die, especially the old.
    The flu is a rebirth from the previous year.  That is how the whole flu-bug survives.

    Doctors and nurses have known this for years.  It is not a big surprise nor is the reaction when the marketing and the media get ahold of medical terms.

    I don't get flu shots nor does Don.
    Some people, like my mom get theirs every year.

    People know their own bodies and how they have treated them.  If a person feels they need a flu shot, they probably do.

    Please remember, this is only my opinion.  The power of the knowledge, passing it to the media, moreover, the internet is what is making us nuts.

    The coverage and the media are a perfect example of the virus itself.
    It gets blown way out of proportion.

    I am sorry for all those who were and have relatives/friends who have been infected.  It is not a laughing matter.
    I send happy and healthy thoughts to all.
    Soon, it will pass, as well.

    This post was edited by Merlin at April 16, 2020 12:20 PM MDT
      April 16, 2020 12:14 PM MDT