Whenever I went to Kranks (healthfood) restaurant in Guildford I would always have the seaweed soup. God only knows how much it benefitted my general health (wheee, I feel good), my longevity (see, I'm still here), my thyroid function (yoicks and allez oop), and my card-sharping skills ('snap!'). The restaurant is long gone (naturally, all good things go first, probably because most people are happy with cheap, low value, crap). Nowadays I only get the chance to add seaweed to my food intake, from the cold salad display, when I visit the local Mandarin restaurant in Barrie. From my philatelizing days, I do know that Jersey islanders at one time collected seaweed (which I think they called 'vraik', maybe still do) for fertilizer. I have only been to Jersey once, but I didn't notice any seaweed harvesting going on. Anyway, I just wanted to share that.