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Discussion » Questions » Random Knowledge » Disney Movie poll: How many times have you watched Bambi 2?    A) 0 B)1  C) more than 1 time.  D) Other 

Disney Movie poll: How many times have you watched Bambi 2?    A) 0 B)1  C) more than 1 time.  D) Other 

Posted - April 28, 2020


  • 53688

    A) 0

      April 28, 2020 7:31 AM MDT

  • 23837

      April 28, 2020 7:37 AM MDT

  • 3137
    That You watched a whole Bambi 2 movie, 
    I don't know how much you know about this Cartoon Bambi 2 movie, but I will make-out a kind of question about this Bambi 2 cartoon-
    I don't know if anyone will answer this kind of cartoon question, but see if you would be really interested to see what answer it would be for that kind of cartoon question-
    I will show you what that question that would be?
      April 28, 2020 10:11 AM MDT

  • 23837
    Hi DannyPetti! I owe you a HUGE, HUGE apology -- I only now realized I read your original question wrong- - I did not notice that you clearly wrote "Bambi 2" - - I thought you were asking about the original animated "Bambi" movie.
    I was answering that I had seen the original animated "Bambi" movie one time.

    I  completely missed seeing the number "2" in your question.
    I have not seen Bambi 2."
    I've not even heard of a "Bambi 2" movie. And I probably wouldn't want to see it simply because the original "Bambi" I saw was not that much of a favorite for me. I do think it's a very good movie and everything - - but, so far in my life, watching it once is good enough for me.

    And I'm sorry, too, for my delay in getting back to about your reply to me.
    I'm sorry about adding any confusion for you on your topic, as far as your interest in pursuing another question. 
    Be Well!

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at May 2, 2020 7:29 PM MDT
      April 30, 2020 11:22 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay I'm glad you just did respond, I was waiting for it!
    For this cartoon question, that's to the other Bambi 2 question, that's not about just watching it or just what dialogues it have in that movie, it will be about what other new different dialogues to put in that Bambi(2) movie that what else I want a certain cartoon character to say, that which to get the other cartoon character to say something else than what it been saying originally.

    I may give you an example or explanation of what parts of dialogues I taken-out from a Bambi movie, & changed some of the dialogue, that which I erased the dialogue just after it, to ask what other different dialogue be put to the cartoon character just after the previous dialogue that got changed from the original dialogue.
    And if you didn't really watch the whole Bambi 2 movie, just watch the fragment clips of the Bambi 2 movie from YouTube to answer this:

    After I set-up that Bambi cartoon dialogue question,-show you that later-had typed it on the other reply I think, then see who else we can find to answer this Bambi cartoon dialogue question okay?
    Probably this is what I meant that what you probably asking or messaging to me for this one. This post was edited by DannyPetti at May 2, 2020 5:08 PM MDT
      April 30, 2020 2:56 PM MDT

  • 7408
    A) 0 
      April 28, 2020 8:55 AM MDT

  • 3137
    That welbyQ who said, watched a Bambi 2 movie, then I typed to that more about the Bambi 2, and will tell 'em more about that movie of what else I will type about the Bambi 2 movie okay?
      April 28, 2020 10:17 AM MDT

  • 7408
    Okie dokie. 
      April 28, 2020 10:44 AM MDT

  • 3137
    I think it's taking long time to get another response from the one who did watch a Bambi 2 movie.
      April 29, 2020 12:22 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I think I would give them a cartoon question they're more interested in or know much more about-that cartoon show-first, then ask if they know about which of other cartoon shows/give them other cartoon shows I/we think they may know about too, make kind of questions of it, then into another different cartoon shows; then will ask about Bambi(2) question(s) (after all this), how/what will you think of this idea to this?
    Do you suggest anything else with this? This post was edited by DannyPetti at May 1, 2020 6:25 PM MDT
      April 29, 2020 4:14 PM MDT

  • 23837
    (Hi DannyPetti [and Jaimie]  - - DannyPetti, just coming in here to make sure you catch my very-late-and-delayed reply to you -- I really goofed. Sorry! I explain it all in my reply to your reply that you wrote to my original answer. )
      April 30, 2020 11:27 AM MDT

  • 3137
    And Hello Welby Q
    I got the message typed in the other Reply here that will explain to you all this.
      April 30, 2020 3:10 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I may now then post another question-about (other) favorite cartoon shows(?)
      April 30, 2020 10:05 AM MDT

  • 13277
    But why? Nobody cares.
      April 30, 2020 10:28 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Other different cartoon shows
    As Scooby Doo, Bug Bunny, Smurf, Peanut, Ghostbusters, Kim Possible, He-Man, etc.
      April 30, 2020 11:10 AM MDT

  • 13277
      April 30, 2020 11:42 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Not sure why wouldn't they watch any cartoon show at all. How about you pick a cartoon show, or I will think of a cartoon show, then I will make out a question about the picked cartoon show(?)
      May 1, 2020 7:55 PM MDT

  • 13277
    But NOBODY CARES! Except you, perhaps.
      May 1, 2020 7:58 PM MDT

  • 7408
    SOME PEOPLE LIKE CARTOON MOVIES! you don’t speak for all of us. Don’t be an azz. 
      May 1, 2020 8:09 PM MDT

  • 13277
    OK. Go have a toque, eh?
      May 1, 2020 8:23 PM MDT

  • 7408
    Lol I have few so I’ll be aight’ eh. 
      May 1, 2020 8:24 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I guess-that's really good of You telling Stu that Jaimie!
      May 4, 2020 12:23 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Jaimie, I want to know if you're here& so you can say hi to Welby; so I can tell you more about this Bambi 2 post with getting more person to this Bambi 2 discussion.

    Tell You this:
    I see that it was kind of a really disappointment that I read that a person here marked as that person saw Bambi 2 movie, but no, that person really didn't watch the Bambi 2 movie yet, only the first Bambi movie-that person said.
    After I thought that person did as I typed that message to you about it right away, as I think that person will know more about the dialogues about Bambi 2 & join in to just talk to us more about the Bambi 2 dialogues with us, but as that person really does not(as that's now), then I have to end-up waiting another long while for that person to come back later for it to re-respond (about this Bambi(2) dialogue stuff here or other thread have it. This post was edited by DannyPetti at May 4, 2020 4:53 PM MDT
      May 1, 2020 3:48 PM MDT

  • 7408
    Okay I’ll say hi to Welby “ hi Welby” also maybe you should try a cartoon movie that people are more familiar with then. I’ve seen most cartoon movies and even I haven’t seen that movie. Also it’s your favourite movie and even you haven’t seen it. Maybe try BUGS BUNNY cartoon show!!! Or Lion king. 
      May 1, 2020 6:28 PM MDT