I see. I’m not familiar with either the song or the singer: being as stuck in the 80s as I am, almost any music that has been released since December 31, 1989 is most likely off of my radar.
Years ago, and much to my surprise, I found out that some people actually struggle with knowing the difference between words like than and then, your and yore and you’re, mine and mind, to and two and two, etc. I’m referring to people whose primary language is English, in many cases it is their only language. These are differences that to me are obvious and glaring, yet to others, present true challenges. It seems that with practice and repetition, they’d eventually improve, but that isn’t always the case. I can’t understand it, I have no explanation for it. Of course, there are learning disabilities and cognitive disabilities that prevent some people from grasping these concepts, that much is true. However, there are others who are simply apathetic or obstinate in the use of language and/or grammar.