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Do you think there is any validity to the negative connotations about Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (Meghan Markle)?

Posted - May 13, 2020


  • 53687

    That’s a bit difficult to ascertain. Personally, I neither know very much about her nor do I have specific opinions about her (that includes both negative and positive ones).  Those people who feel strongly about or or those people who have more direct knowledge are better situated to assign validity to any claims about her, either negative or positive ones.

      May 13, 2020 7:46 AM MDT

  • 6988
    She doesn't like the royal scene. So she moved back to L.A., her former hometown, but leaves the options open for vacations in various areas of the Empire. 
      May 13, 2020 8:10 AM MDT

  • 53687
    Is there any validity to the negative connotations about her?
      May 13, 2020 9:53 AM MDT

  • 7939
    In what sense? She was never really a "royal." She didn't embrace the lifestyle from the onset. There were always cues, from the events she attended and those she missed through the way she dressed. That's not to say she's not a fine woman- she's just not like Kate. Kate took proper form from the start- immediately behaving like a member of the royal family in all ways- always cool, collected, smiling, polished, calculated, etc. That in mind, I think a lot of what's been directed at Meghan has to do with that. She never embraced "her" role and took Harry out of it. That's a devastating blow for people who value the tradition of the royal family. 

    Being an American, I can appreciate that she carved out her own niche and didn't feel obligated to fulfil a role. She's seemingly found a man she loves and they're living life on their terms. 

    Harry's in a different position than William. I could see why, given what happened to their mother, neither would much care for royal life on the whole. However, William will, in all likelihood, eventually be King, whereas Harry probably never will. For Harry, by staying active as a member of the royal family, he may well feel like he's fulfilling an empty role. I don't think Meghan pulled him away. I'm sure he agonized over the decision and did what he felt was best for him and his family. 

    I'm sure to some, Meghan is the commoner who broke into the royal family and stole a prince from his duties. I don't see it that way. I don't follow a lot of the news or the stories about what they're up to but the bits I have seen... I think she's a good person in general and should be left to live her life. 
      May 13, 2020 2:27 PM MDT