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I have a 2007 Audi that is amazing. I would like another car. What do you think about using carvana, the vendor machine idea for cars?

Posted - May 24, 2020


  • 5450
    *puts in $37400.*

    *presses A4*

    Oh no!  It's stuck! 

    Now the next person who comes along is going to get two cars for the price of one!  Try shaking it and maybe your car will come loose.  

    No!  You knocked the whole vending machine over!  Just walk away and hope nobody saw that.

      May 24, 2020 12:55 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Have I told you how magic you are?!!
    Thank you.
    I think I am going to go this route.
    I got an Almond Joy but need a Mounds!
      May 24, 2020 1:02 PM MDT

  • 13277
    I ALWAYS feel like a nut. Wait, they mean candy bars? Oh, never mind. LOL.
      May 24, 2020 2:48 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I got it and think it was funny!
    My problem is Alfred is nutty and well, I already have the mounds but would like one with wheels that I can drive over them....
    Big Hugs and Smiles!
    :) :)
      May 24, 2020 4:36 PM MDT

  • 10026
    The problem is, Alfred is a blast to drive and runs like a bat of hell when he does.
    He is quite the looker and really has the heart.
    He just keeps tapping into money I can't afford.  If someone who had the manual to him, they would get thousands of Happy! Happy! miles out of him.
    I wouldn't have bought him if I didn't think he could do it.
    I need someone like B.H. Wilson to come and tell me, it is a little thing.

    I had Sammy, my dad named him, the Sukzui Sameri forever and dumped a ton of money into him.
    Then, one day out of the blue, this guy named Mike showed up at the laundry mat facility in our apartment complex.
    He was on a 10-speed.
    I was sorting clothes and HE started a conversation about cars.
    I went on to explain how my mom and dad had sold this car to Don and I and for some reason we couldn't get it to go, reliably, for any sort of distance.
    Blah, Blah, Blah, ....
    He simply looked at me and asked if he could take a look at Sammy.
    I gave him a screw driver and wrench and he fixed Sammy.
    He did for a homemade burrito and a pack of smokes.
    Sammy NEVER broke down after Mike miracously appeared.
    We never saw Mike, EVER, again.
     Talk about angels and magic..........
    Now, if I could give Alfred to someone who would love him as much as I loved Sammy and have a car I, for once, in my 53 times the earth has gone around the sun, have a fun and reliable car....
    I would be forever grateful and thankful for carvana.
    I WOULD NOT put a car out there that would be dangerous to anyone.
    That is not my style.
    Alfred just needs someone who needs him.
    He also only has 97000 miles on him.  He has sat in our carport more than he has ever been driven and has been taken care of, BY ME interior and exterior and sit under a cover.
    He has been babied.
    Still, I need a car that is fun, fast, and reliable. 
    Don't we all.
    :) :) This post was edited by Merlin at May 24, 2020 10:55 PM MDT
      May 24, 2020 1:16 PM MDT

  • 5808
    Have you seen the new Alfa Romeos?

      May 24, 2020 1:42 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I have. :) :)  
      May 24, 2020 2:11 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Thank you Baba for responding and thinking of me.  You are wonderful.
    :) :)
      May 24, 2020 2:12 PM MDT

  • 10727

    Personally, I need to test drive a car before I'll buy it.  I like to feel how it handles curves, and see how much power it has climbing hills (crucial, as I live in the mountains).  Not so much with a candy bar or a bag of chips (who wants chips that can go from 0 to 60 in 3.4 seconds, or candy bar with side airbags ?).   However, if you’re not picky about that kind of thing, there are some online sites that will deliver a car to your doorstep (some are actual car manufactures).

      May 24, 2020 2:21 PM MDT

  • 10026
    This IS my TOTAL hang-up, TOO!
    Thank you for saying that.
    I like to drive.  I NEED to FEEL the road through the car.
    I Need to feel the gears and the engine and the flexuation and pull and the drive and the STOP!
    I NEED  to FEEL the curves and the seat and how I sit in the car to see over the dash.  Do I feel comfortable in the response time?

    Thank you.  Thank you.  
    I am glad I am not the only one who feels driving is not only a privilege, but an experience you AND your car share, together.
    Make it a match.
    You and your car should have trust and respect for one another.
    Call me crazy but this is a strong side of Merlin that rarely shows her head.
    Driving is an experience if you allow it to be.
    It's not always getting from point A to point B.  
    It can be about respect and enjoyment.
    :) :)!!
    I'm glad to hear you are on the same plane.
    I NEED to drive it before I buy it.
    :) :)

    :) :)

    This post was edited by Merlin at May 25, 2020 12:23 AM MDT
      May 24, 2020 2:36 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Buy a car with the drivers foot well rusted out of it could drive it like Fred Flintstone has to when you take it out for a test run need for any fuel either in such a modern eco friendly car.....
    But before you go out on your test drive.....please make sure that your Brake Shoes are laced up tightly :( 
      May 25, 2020 12:33 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Thank you Nice Jugs. :) 
    I drive Malibu Canyon every other day when I go to work. Steering and brakes are a MUST!!

    I can sit on a pillow and have been known to in the past to see over the dash.  Hauling material, you know...
    I have driven these canyons in a 911.  I was a very cautious since it wasn't my car and there were others on the road.... But... Boyyyyyy, if I coulda.... I wouldaaa!! ;)
    Driving these in Bobby, Don's Mazda is phenomenal.  I do know my own driving limitations and I totally respect the power of the mountains surrounding me and the road in front of me.
    It's a fun car and a fun road, when driven with smarts.
    Don't push yourself or the car beyond your own experience or ability. 
    I am a very strong believer in balance on public roads.  These are NOT  places to show what you know or show off. 
    On these canyons, death is lurking around every curve.... literally. 
    Topanga and Old Topanga is what Don drives. It is just as beautiful and what comes with this beauty? deadly.
    Not only must you know your car's abilities but your own.
    A Public road is NOT the place to challenge either. This post was edited by Merlin at May 25, 2020 10:00 AM MDT
      May 25, 2020 9:51 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I've driven almost everything and my dad shoved new in the driving seat for almost as young as I first I use to sit in his lap and steer as as we all got older there were always some old cars on our uncles farm to drive about in and some times crash...
    pin my teens I did some track racing and go kating as I was only a light weight...I was almost impassable and not many could get back ahead ipof me if I was in the lead...
    I drive an oldish mercedes sports  I can't stand any of the modern cars that make now with all the daft gizmos they have on the,
    People can steal most all brand new cars nowadays and they don't even need a key or have steering locks on them anymore..
    In England now ,once a car is three years old and out if warrantee most are just to expensive to repair..
    My friend had a top of the range BMW and something went wrong with the door locks and after spending about ten grand trying to fix it via BMW ....he just had enough and got rid of it ...
    What is the point of buying a car no one find the faults with or repair  ...Either myself ,brothers or my father can repair my car quite quickly...

    Another thing is that all new cars look so ugly ,they all apear clones of each other as not even like they are comfy to drive ,let alone get in and out of...:( 
    The old American cars of the 50's 60's and seventies were the best...Huge and built like
      May 25, 2020 10:22 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Tons of very useful information.  It took a moment to get back to you because I sought Don out, the depths of our house, to share with him about the same idea he had with the three year deal.
    We bought Bobby, Mazda3 with all the bells and whistles.  EVERYTHING.  He is an amazing car.  New.  Big mistake but I felt Don has worked SO LONG and SO HARD in making everyone else's dreams come true, houses worth millions and top-notch safety on all houses. (Trust me.  If there were ever an earthquake to rock this world, Don's houses would stand tall.  I am not gloating or kidding. On THIS unbelievable talent, caring, and skills he possesses,  It's NOT me.  It's HIM.)
    The Mazda3 in 2017 was the best car for the buck!
    Now we are at that turning point where I desperately need a car and Don is thinking of turning in Bobby for the newer edition.
    Like you, neither of us are wild about the new body styles and this whole key thing.
    It cost 300 bucks because on Valentines day one of us misplaced one of the keys.
    Rip off.
    I know they can do it an instant.  Any person, not even a hacker could do this.
    I'm not putting Mazda down.  I LOVE their cars. OUTSTANDING.  But, the key thing was over the top.
    Even if you look in a bad way at a car bought today, it will give it a dent!!!!!!!!
    So much for safety and the air bags.... Well, I can say from personal experience, they are a marketing gig.  I WAS in an accident, not my fault, thank God, and the idea is good. The way they are hooked in and to be deployed, not so good.
    Thank you ooddeellls for your input Nice Jugs.  
    You have helped immensely!
    Happy Thoughts and Healthy Vibes, Always!!
      May 25, 2020 11:05 AM MDT

  • 14795
    For a safety test....meceded crashed theit top of the rages excetertive sallon head on into a Mercedes tiny Smart car.....the big car knocked the tiny car backwards with ease ...which car though was a right was the big car that was a right off...I was told that every air bag went off at the sane time and the cost of replacing them all was more the eighty or ninthy thousand pounds ...:(
      May 25, 2020 12:39 PM MDT

  • 10026
    This is not my video but my drive.  This is going to the beach. It doesn't show the insanely HUGE drops on the other side when coming from the beach.
    I'm going today.  I'll see if I can talk Don to go with me and show you....
    It is MAGNIFICENT to view.  You just have to pay attention when driving and NOT LOOK DOWN.

    This post was edited by Merlin at May 25, 2020 11:24 AM MDT
      May 25, 2020 11:24 AM MDT

  • 14795
    When when you say that you live in a you now mean a Cave and not a Kennel anymore..!   Well at least you can take the underground train to get home...:) This post was edited by Nice Jugs at May 25, 2020 12:34 AM MDT
      May 24, 2020 2:38 PM MDT

  • 53573




      May 24, 2020 11:00 PM MDT

  • 5391

    I don’t think their cars are any different than the same models on any other lot. Still have to test drive it, right? Not impressed by the novelty.

    Makes for a cute story at dinner parties, I guess.

      May 25, 2020 6:32 AM MDT

  • 10026
    You're right.  I don't think they are any different than any other car on any other lot.
    What I am concerned about is when they pick up Alfred and drop off a new car.  Do you think that is the way to go?
    If so, they do give a 7-day, test-drive guarantee.  I have been caught in a trap like this before.
    For example, Memorial Day.  They don't work today so I would I be stuck with my newly purchased car, sight unseen, and not test-driven.
    Am I overthinking?  Am I making a creating a problem where there shouldn't be one?

      May 25, 2020 10:19 AM MDT

  • 53573


      Being in a hurry to take on a car purchase is like you being in a hurry to select a man in your life: you might end up with someone like Randolph D. 

    (Hey, wait . . . )


      May 25, 2020 10:25 AM MDT

  • 10026
    You feel it.
    You know it.
    Blonde or Brunette.  Your chosen picture says exactly what I am feeling.
    I know.
    That is what's bothering me.  Yet I'm desperate.
    Will you marry me?
    ;) :)!!
      May 25, 2020 10:35 AM MDT

  • 53573

      You fulfill SO many of my fantasies!  It’s as if you’re a million women different all wrapped up into one. 


    (Wait, weren’t we talking about cars a minute ago?)


      May 25, 2020 10:57 AM MDT

  • 5391

    While I‘m not familiar with their process, it would be logical that they have most of those kinds of bugs worked out. I have noticed that many dealerships have begun offering home delivery of vehicles in light of the pandemic. 
    The car dispenser idea is neat, but not all that different in retrospect to what is becoming commonplace in that competitive market. I’d say as long as you wind up with a vehicle you’re happy with, the end justifies whatever means.
    Just sayin. 

      May 25, 2020 11:35 AM MDT