Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Which SOURCE of info vis a vis COVID 19 do you trust? From the beginning of to now or did you switch horses because the first one LIED?
It seems to have become something less with IT (the powers that be) saying IT will defund it. I dunno Nanoose. IT has his nose in everything everywhere all the time. He is NOSIEST anyone I ever saw! Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
I am not sure it matters. I mainly concern myself with staying safe. All those numbers matter more to the news media. So many of them have so much airtime to fill in order to justify their existence.
I follow the numbers because I do NOT trust the media...the want us scared it makes for better ratings. And the majority live in the NY which is harder hit than the rest of the country.
We do not like being lied to. Watching the news did scare me at first but then I noticed the number the media were reporting we not what I was remembering from the day before etc. One day even said the deaths doubled in 1 day....no they did not. They rounded by few hundred in each direction.
If people feel they are being manipulated to get a preferred action....they tend to rebel. Just tell me the truth and let me decide what it right for me....if I get sick that will be on me. When we see our leaders telling us to stay home scared but they are out and about mask less, getting their hair cut, working out in the gym, I cannot visit a nursing home but covid19 patients are forced to be admitted, etc. we start to see some are just on a power trip and that does not fly for us.