I’ll bet the admin changed it.
Or they merely read my post.
I had a heart-wrenching crush on Kelly Fisher when I was in the seventh grade and she was in the ninth grade. She didn’t even know that I existed.
((None of the pictures I post are of me or of anyone I know in real life. I get all of my pictures from internet search engines. The one above merely represents an appropriate time period when I would have been of that age and a close likeness of a girl from my past. It is eerily accurate even down to her style of clothing and the weather depicted in the background that resembles the area where I grew up. Sometimes I will search and search and search for the picture or other graphic to accompany my posts.)
Sharon, Lois and Bram!!! :) lol the Americans won’t know what the heck you on about :)
Nope, we sure don’t.