I will set the list of many things each with choice-codes ‘to type in a command with’ (that will set off other conversation with)-on the next reply.
Other command codes
These codes-I will put these codes in:
CL+ = Another description choice added to the list.
Then you put either of code in:
O = I can add it in
X2d = wait two days before add in this other description choice(on the list).
Just need to put something right by the X
If you don’t like the website or its functions, you are not obligated to stay. The notifications feature is imperfect, sure. The same frustrations you have with it are shared by many here, I myself have wondered why the same notification reappear several times.
HOWEVER, you also have the distinction of authoring and maintaining one of the longest threads in one post in the entire history of the website, especially when it’s taken into consideration how much time has passed since you submitted it. As such, it’s only normal that “Likes” are going to be registered. If you think you’re getting too many likes on this or any other post that you start, there’s a button you can click that closes the question from receiving any more traffic whatsoever.
My suggestion is that you do so immediately, because I’m just as fed up with getting notifications for this post as you are.
Yes, there is something that can be done: quit adding to the content of this question string. Let it die already, please!