Discussion » Questions » Names » What can you tell about others based on their avatars?

What can you tell about others based on their avatars?

How much can you tell about others? What does your avatar say about you?

Posted - October 3, 2016


  • Easy...  I run with the wolves. 
      October 3, 2016 1:50 PM MDT

  • Hehe
    Good answer!
      October 3, 2016 2:43 PM MDT

  • I can tell you have good taste in reading  ;)  ha
      October 3, 2016 1:45 PM MDT

  • Stephen King is my literary God!!
      October 3, 2016 3:48 PM MDT

  • Pretentious???  It has been nearly 20 minutes since someone called me that...........

    The Dark Tower is the novel(s) mine is from. 
      October 3, 2016 1:28 PM MDT

  • Ha good one.
    I should have.known that!!!
    The Steven King Cowboy guy right?
      October 3, 2016 1:38 PM MDT

  • The Stephen King Cowboy?  Lol *shakes head in disgust*...I'll let that one go......he's called the GUNSLINGER, haha
      October 3, 2016 1:40 PM MDT

  • I mean, I read it, I remember he had guns and wore a cowboy hat.
    Am I wrong!!??
      October 3, 2016 1:46 PM MDT

  • Lago has obviously forgotten the face of his father.  LOL.....One of the best series I've ever read.
      October 3, 2016 1:49 PM MDT

  • Thankee sai, long days and pleasant nights to you. 
      October 3, 2016 1:52 PM MDT

  • Taps throat three times.  :)
      October 3, 2016 2:20 PM MDT

  • You're going to make me go dig that book from the bottom of my book locker. Wasn't Desperation part of that series??
    Sort of?
    A town with a Nasty Sherriff ...with guns. And a cowboy hat?
    Am I getting my Steven King mixed up?
      October 3, 2016 2:50 PM MDT

  • Hopelessly mixed up...............lol
      October 3, 2016 2:51 PM MDT

  • Desperation and The Regulators were sister books.....had nothing to do with the gunslinger.
    TAK! This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 3, 2016 5:35 PM MDT
      October 3, 2016 5:32 PM MDT

  • What? Didn't they get in the smelly car and took the little.boy up the hill where the mans heart soil is stonier? Then they saw that one old lady in their dreams and took the M o o n, that spells moon, guy and his bicycle looking for the "My Life For you!" Trashman guy? And they found him in that cabin where All Work and No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy. Right before he broke thru the.bathroom door and said, "Heeeere s Johnny!!" Wasnt there a clown there too?. . telling a kid, "they float, they all float, and when you're down here with me, fat boy, you'll float too. Or something?

      October 3, 2016 8:03 PM MDT

  • Yeah...that's right. :) About the only thing you left out was the sh*t weasels. LOL
      October 4, 2016 2:24 AM MDT

  • 2758
    In my case all you can tell is that I'm a Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry fan.  In most cases, though, you can tell precisely nothing.

    That's not to say that avatars don't possess a certain intrinsic power.  I discovered that recently when I switched back (from 'Nimitz') to my original username and avatar in commemoration of JA's site refit and housecleaning.  The difference in the way I was treated by former 'adversaries' was HUGE!

      October 3, 2016 1:34 PM MDT

  • 23664
    Hi, Transquesta! I have only responded to a very few questions lately but, looking around the new site, I noted by chance that Nimitz was now Transquesta when I noticed one of Nimitz's question is now credited to Transquesta.
      October 3, 2016 1:41 PM MDT

  • 2758
    Yep.  That, and if you move your cursor over my avatar, you can see the 'Nimitz' profile addy in the status bar at the bottom of your browser.

    Still, I although I've been completely open about the switch, I'm still amazed at the difference a name makes.
      October 3, 2016 1:45 PM MDT

  • Well perhaps you weren't a very nice guy as Nimitz. Maybe?
    People react better to nice. ;).
    I have to admit that I'm not familiar with Gene Roddenberry. (But I'm going to look him up as soon as I finish writing this).
    Also, I have.watched both documentaries on Trekkies and I'm aware of the Trekkies vs Trekkers controversy.
    Which one do you go by?
    Does that count??
    Thank you for answering T.
      October 3, 2016 1:53 PM MDT

  • 2758
         "Well perhaps you weren't a very nice guy as Nimitz. Maybe?
    People react better to nice. ;)."

    I'm always nice when people are nice to me. In any case, there has been no change in my demeanor between Nimitz and Transquesta. I'm still the same old 'me.' :-)

    And I'm a Trekker, conventionally. Trekkies are a bit nutty. :->
      October 3, 2016 1:58 PM MDT

  • I understand. About the.nice thing.
    I figure you'd be.a.Trekker.  )
    Have you seen the.documentaries?
      October 3, 2016 2:15 PM MDT

  • 2758
    Yes. The last one I saw was "For the Love of Spock." Spock was a sort of archetype for me growing up.

    For the uninitiated, though (obviously not my correspondent who has clearly done his research :-)), a Trekkie is nuts about everything Star Trek. S/he goes to all the conventions, buys all the merchandise and could stand in to play at least one character whose 'biography' s/he would know by heart. A Trekker just likes the franchise and watches the shows.
      October 3, 2016 2:25 PM MDT

  • "Hello. Peter, this is the worst time you could have called! Go away! Ok, bye. "
    Do you recognize that?
    That's my favorite moment.
      October 3, 2016 9:01 PM MDT

  • Sometimes it's easy.  Not always though. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 3, 2016 1:52 PM MDT
      October 3, 2016 1:42 PM MDT